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Technology Run Amok?

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Technology Run Amok? Empty Technology Run Amok?

Post by CheenaGringo Thu Apr 05, 2012 7:10 pm

As if people don't have enough technology distractions, here comes Google with: Google's Project Glass Eyewear: Next Big Google Flop or Hit?

"Project Glass is Google's dream to mass produce hybrid glasses that act as a miniaturized smartphone wired with hands-free access to a micro display, cameras, microphone, Web browser, and speech recognition. It's the type of jaw dropping innovation the tech elite love.

But are a pair of Google augmented reality glasses practical? Some argue "yes" and others "no". Think texting and driving don't mix now, how about drivers sporting Google glasses video chatting with a friend? Then again, a pair of Google glasses could make you the "smartest" guy in the room - as long as there is a Web connection..........

[img]Technology Run Amok? Glass_10[/img]

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Technology Run Amok? Empty Re: Technology Run Amok?

Post by Zedinmexico Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:33 pm

Years ago I was working in R&D at a very large electronics company and I
use to make models like the headset CG shows us. I have been out of the
business for 10 years and all this stuff we talked about 10 years ago is
here now. Kindaoff a shock actually.

Not sure how useful any of this kinda of stuff is to me but it is obvious
many people are addicted to technology. Gee can my boss check in and
look at what I am looking at?? I don't even like cell phones to be honest.

Luddite Z

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