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MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol

papa chango
Jim W
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MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol Empty MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol

Post by Jim W Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:26 pm

Smokealot Closest thing to smokin! My wife slipped and fell a couple weeks ago....huge bruise and pain! Our housekeeper to the rescue, shows up the next day with a bag of fresh marijuana leaves, packs them into a half bottle of rubbing alcohol, says marinate for 48 hours. Then rub on the affected area! Results were amazing! Apparently this concoction is great for sore joints, etc. Who'd a thunk....rubbin, not smokin!

Does this belong under medical? LMAO
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MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol Empty Re: MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol

Post by seisdedos Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:48 pm

Mexicans have been using that for arthritis and joint/muscle pain for centuries.
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MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol Empty Re: MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol

Post by simpsca Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:52 pm

I have one similar potion made by a friend's gardener that contains alcohol, MJ and peyote. Works so well, I soak a cloth in it and put on the aching joint and in 20 minutes I can't even feel my skin.
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MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol Empty Re: MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol

Post by Jim W Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:02 pm

seisdedos wrote:Mexicans have been using that for arthritis and joint/muscle pain for centuries.

seisdedos....I am a pessimist.....does it really work....wife now swears by it......seems like a waste of good smoke....LOL
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MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol Empty Re: MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol

Post by Jim W Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:09 pm

simpsca wrote:I have one similar potion made by a friend's gardener that contains alcohol, MJ and peyote. Works so well, I soak a cloth in it and put on the aching joint and in 20 minutes I can't even feel my skin.

Simpsca, with that combo.....OMG....beam me down Scottie Very Happy
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MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol Empty Re: MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol

Post by CheenaGringo Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:14 pm

Jim: it is a generally accepted fact that lotions, potions and drugs might work for one person and not for others. I had a chiropractor for many years that preached masking pain slows the healing process because the body doesn't know that it needs to heal itself when the pain isn't there. Now, he fully conceded that some pain is so severe that one cannot ignore it and in those cases, he felt that just taking enough pain killer to knock the pain down to a tolerable level still triggered those same natural healing powers.

Just sayin!

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MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol Empty Re: MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol

Post by Jim W Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:20 pm

CheenaGringo wrote:Jim: it is a generally accepted fact that lotions, potions and drugs might work for one person and not for others. I had a chiropractor for many years that preached masking pain slows the healing process because the body doesn't know that it needs to heal itself when the pain isn't there. Now, he fully conceded that some pain is so severe that one cannot ignore it and in those cases, he felt that just taking enough pain killer to knock the pain down to a tolerable level still triggered those same natural healing powers.

Just sayin!

Neil, Just goes to show eyes, ears....learn sumthin new every day.
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MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol Empty Re: MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol

Post by viajero Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:26 pm

simpsca wrote:I have one similar potion made by a friend's gardener that contains alcohol, MJ and peyote. Works so well, I soak a cloth in it and put on the aching joint and in 20 minutes I can't even feel my skin.
Bottle it and put a designer label on it,test market it at the wed.tianguies,could be a gold mine.

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MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol Empty Re: MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol

Post by sparks Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:45 pm

Friend gave me a mixture of peyote and Vick's (vapo-rub). Heavy on the peyote and Vick's to cover the smell and as a base. Hips are my problem and hard to cover that much ground ... but seems to help and I smell different. Not attractive possibly
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MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol Empty Re: MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol

Post by Zedinmexico Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:54 pm

Jim W wrote: Smokealot Closest thing to smokin! My wife slipped and fell a couple weeks ago....huge bruise and pain! Our housekeeper to the rescue, shows up the next day with a bag of fresh marijuana leaves, packs them into a half bottle of rubbing alcohol, says marinate for 48 hours. Then rub on the affected area! Results were amazing! Apparently this concoction is great for sore joints, etc. Who'd a thunk....rubbin, not smokin!

Does this belong under medical? LMAO

MJ does have lots of uses other than smoking. You
won't get high off the alcohol and MJ. MJ has to be
heated to activate the THC which is the thing that
buzzes you. Eating it raw won't do anything either
thus folks make MJ brownies. MJ also has a non
high variety that was used to make fine quality
paper in the old days or cloth nowadays. It grows
along the side of the road all over upstate NY. Alas
smoke all you want it won't get you high. It also
makes good rope. Remember hemp rope? Last but
not least I think you will find the US founding fathers
used hemp paper to write our founding documents. It
has many medical uses like a sleep aid (Be sure to
get the right variety if you want to use it this way as
one variety will keep you awake the other will make
you sleep) and I gave it to my father when he was dying
of Cancer to stimulate his appetite during chemo. The
government has one thing right about MJ and that is it
is a powerful drug however it is also one of the safest.
If you have lung problems don't smoke it but make MJ
cookies or use a new technology called a vaporizer.


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MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol Empty Re: MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol

Post by Zedinmexico Tue Oct 02, 2012 7:06 pm

simpsca wrote:I have one similar potion made by a friend's gardener that contains alcohol, MJ and peyote. Works so well, I soak a cloth in it and put on the aching joint and in 20 minutes I can't even feel my skin.

Hey be careful with that Peyote or you will start talking to the crows.
Remember Carlos C. books??

Hey does anybody know why they add the peyote to the potion??
I have never heard of peyote being a remedy. Whats it suppose
to do in a medical sense?


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MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol Empty Re: MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol

Post by lunateak Tue Oct 02, 2012 7:22 pm


Bill Ellis

Anesthetics are medicines that cause loss of feeling or consciousness.

Pre-contact doctors used anesthetics for bone fractures, gout and rheumatism. American Indians used them for surgery as early as 100 BC. Some of the anesthetics used by Indian doctors are coca, peyote and datura - Jimson weed.

Cocoa was used both as an internal and external medicine. The Inca used cocoa as an external medicine in the form of a poultice. To use coca as an internal medicine, Inca doctors had their patients eat coca before surgery. Whites did not discover the anesthetic property of cocoa until 1884. Soon after, cocoa became popular with doctors.

The Aztec used peyote long before contact. A lotion was made of the peyote root for sore feet and headaches. Peyote can reduce fever if taken internally. Indians also used to ease the pain of open wounds, snakebites and broken bones with peyote. US Army doctors used peyote as a painkiller until 1800.

Indians in Virginia used Jimson weed. Prior to the 1800s, non-Indian doctors did not have good anesthetics. European doctors before 1847 used high does of opium or alcohol. Sometimes this killed the patient.

Folks, please don't do this at home.

These Indian doctors were highly trained specialists. They did not prescribe medicine until they were in their 30s.
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MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol Empty Re: MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol

Post by simpsca Tue Oct 02, 2012 9:44 pm

viajero wrote:
simpsca wrote:I have one similar potion made by a friend's gardener that contains alcohol, MJ and peyote. Works so well, I soak a cloth in it and put on the aching joint and in 20 minutes I can't even feel my skin.
Bottle it and put a designer label on it,test market it at the wed.tianguies,could be a gold mine.

I don't have the formula (or the MJ or peyote). Only use the stuff. I would be afraid to drink it - might go blind like with bad moonshine! Beer
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MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol Empty Re: MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol

Post by simpsca Tue Oct 02, 2012 9:46 pm

sparks wrote:Friend gave me a mixture of peyote and Vick's (vapo-rub). Heavy on the peyote and Vick's to cover the smell and as a base. Hips are my problem and hard to cover that much ground ... but seems to help and I smell different. Not attractive possibly

You can buy something like you are describing called peyote cream which is sold in all the local natural meds stores and tianguis. It smells like horse linament but I also use it for joint pain. It sort of smells like Vicks and horse linament.
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MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol Empty Re: MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol

Post by simpsca Tue Oct 02, 2012 9:49 pm

Zedinmexico wrote:
simpsca wrote:I have one similar potion made by a friend's gardener that contains alcohol, MJ and peyote. Works so well, I soak a cloth in it and put on the aching joint and in 20 minutes I can't even feel my skin.

Hey be careful with that Peyote or you will start talking to the crows.
Remember Carlos C. books??

Hey does anybody know why they add the peyote to the potion??
I have never heard of peyote being a remedy. Whats it suppose
to do in a medical sense?


I never heard of it for pain either but bought the gardener's stuff and it works plus there is the peyote cream sold locally in a lot of stores I mention above. And yes I read Carlos Castenada, but I don't soar like an eagle when I use it - just takes away the pain.
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MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol Empty Re: MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol

Post by Zedinmexico Tue Oct 02, 2012 10:42 pm

simpsca wrote:
Zedinmexico wrote:
simpsca wrote:I have one similar potion made by a friend's gardener that contains alcohol, MJ and peyote. Works so well, I soak a cloth in it and put on the aching joint and in 20 minutes I can't even feel my skin.

Hey be careful with that Peyote or you will start talking to the crows.
Remember Carlos C. books??

Hey does anybody know why they add the peyote to the potion??
I have never heard of peyote being a remedy. Whats it suppose
to do in a medical sense?


I never heard of it for pain either but bought the gardener's stuff and it works plus there is the peyote cream sold locally in a lot of stores I mention above. And yes I read Carlos Castenada, but I don't soar like an eagle when I use it - just takes away the pain.

Was talking to a friends father when he was dying of a nasty type of cancer
and he said when you have pain you don't get high. He was disappointed
that he wasn't catching a buzz off the pain killers. He says he didn't feel a
thing except pain relief and he was taking some strong sh**.


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MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol Empty Re: MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol

Post by gringomojado Tue Oct 02, 2012 10:51 pm

Topical marijuana does work and the best remedy for Moctezuma's revenge is opium, either smoked or a tincture made with drinking alcohol. take by the cucharada (spoonful) not by the shot. It stops the trots!

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MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol Empty Re: MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol

Post by E-raq Wed Oct 03, 2012 7:46 am

Definitely should be in the medical section. Works a right treat for pain.
BTW MJ was used in many patent medicines up until roughly 1930 available OTC. Queen Victorias favorite. Bet y'all didn't know that one.

Back in the old days medicine rocked. Now it's just a pale imitation of its former self.
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MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol Empty Re: MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol

Post by papa chango Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:59 am

Lakeside locals talk about peyote as a medicine. However, most people here don't know about peyote cactus. They are talking about a local plant that is found in the hills behind Lake Chapala.

MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol 477249
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MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol Empty Re: MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol

Post by viajero Wed Oct 03, 2012 12:08 pm

papa chango wrote:Lakeside locals talk about peyote as a medicine. However, most people here don't know about peyote cactus. They are talking about a local plant that is found in the hills behind Lake Chapala.

MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol 477249
Interesting,I was wondering about that because I wasn't aware of any real peyote growing around here.

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MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol Empty Re: MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol

Post by papa chango Wed Oct 03, 2012 12:32 pm

Wild peyote cactus only grows in Northern Mexican states and some southern US states like Texas. Google it and check the range. It can be grown here as I've seen it but wild peyote cactus is not naturally in this area.

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MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol Empty Re: MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol

Post by hockables Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:21 pm

gringomojado wrote:Topical marijuana does work and the best remedy for Moctezuma's revenge is opium, either smoked or a tincture made with drinking alcohol. take by the cucharada (spoonful) not by the shot. It stops the trots!


It won't take much Opium, and you wouldn't care if you shit yer pants!! Shocked
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MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol Empty Re: MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol

Post by JRinPV Sun Oct 07, 2012 1:08 pm

I use the sticks and stems to make a tincture for my maid's mother, who has arthritis. Peyote Root is a very different plant to Peyote Cactus, which has hardly any root at all.


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MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol Empty Re: MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol

Post by borderreiver Sun Oct 28, 2012 10:01 pm

Google "Medical Marijuana Inc."
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MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol Empty Re: MARIJUANA and rubbing alcohol

Post by SunsetKid Mon Oct 29, 2012 9:10 am

Kind of like DSMO. The US (FDA) wouldn't legalize it for human use. It would put the drug companies out of business.
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