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The Chilli Cookoff

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The Chilli Cookoff Empty The Chilli Cookoff

Post by borderreiver Sat Mar 02, 2013 10:21 pm

I drove by the event on my last day Lakeside. Sorry to have missed it. I'm surprised to see no images, comments, etc. on this forum, especially considering the participants (from this forum) that helped out so much. Fortunately, Mario and Alex from "AccessLakeChapala" did a fine post with great pics and fine bylines. There is an especially fine image of CBOB in one. In it, Bob's top and socks match. Kudos to Ur wife Bob. Awesome. Now, about your shorts. Ouch. Had I known, I'd have left you a pair of mine. Looking forward to some related images. TIA
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The Chilli Cookoff Empty Re: The Chilli Cookoff

Post by zenwoodle Sat Mar 02, 2013 10:56 pm

It is all explained, documented, etc. in the events section.

It is also interesting to note that I am reading this at 10:54 pm and your post is timed at 11:21 pm.

I have always loved time travel, but have required medication to achieve this in the past.

Gawd I love Ajijic!!!
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Location : Ajijic, formerly from Ontario
Humor : Sarcastic, but nobody seems to get it

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