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Who to call when someone dies

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Who to call when someone dies Empty Who to call when someone dies

Post by Ms.Thang Sun Mar 31, 2013 3:46 pm

Who do you call when someone dies and there is not a doctor present at the time of death? Is there more than one choice in this matter?

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Who to call when someone dies Empty Re: Who to call when someone dies

Post by brigitte Sun Mar 31, 2013 3:53 pm

I was always told to call a doctor or Cruz Roja, do not call the police.

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Who to call when someone dies Empty Re: Who to call when someone dies

Post by Trailrunner Sun Mar 31, 2013 3:56 pm

If it is an "expected" death (pt sick, older etc) call the coroner. If it is an "unexpected" death call the police. . .(sigh)

Best bet is to call the pts doctor and let them decide and make the necessary legal decisions.
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Who to call when someone dies Empty Re: Who to call when someone dies

Post by Ms.Thang Sun Mar 31, 2013 4:15 pm

I wonder what you do if you expire on Easter and do not have a regular doctor ? I told my friend who just called to call and ask the Cruz Roja.

If a doctor is present at the time of a natural death then you can just call the funeral home...I do know that much. But if a doctor does not know the deceased then he can't just go sign a death certificate.

No one wants to call the police.

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Who to call when someone dies Empty Re: Who to call when someone dies

Post by Trailrunner Sun Mar 31, 2013 4:25 pm

How old was the pt?

I think it's illegal to leave a dead body unattended until the coroner arrives, that's why most people call the police. I wouldn't recommend it either tho. The thing is, the coroner and morgue are in Ocotlan and it's Easter Sunday, meaning it could take SOME time for him/her to arrive.
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Who to call when someone dies Empty Re: Who to call when someone dies

Post by jrm30655 Sun Mar 31, 2013 4:41 pm

Unless they are full of bullet holes or knife wounds, call a doctor. Almost any doctor will do. If the doctor has any questions, he will find and talk to the Pts doctor.

If you think they might have a deal set up with LCS, call 766-1140, 01 33 3825 1556 or 01 33 3121 7540 and check. If they are set up with LCS, they will tell you what to do.

If the guy died less than 72 hours ago and the doctor signs off, you are free to call the mortuary to come get the body. If it is over 72 hours, the coroner has to sign off and the doctor will advise you. If over 72 hours, it has to be cleared by the police also.

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Who to call when someone dies Empty Re: Who to call when someone dies

Post by Trailrunner Sun Mar 31, 2013 4:51 pm

Exactly right, jrm30655.
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Who to call when someone dies Empty Re: Who to call when someone dies

Post by shana Sun Mar 31, 2013 6:03 pm

If you have a post life contract through LCS you call the funeral home. They will take care of everything.

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Who to call when someone dies Empty Re: Who to call when someone dies

Post by Dr. Sam Thelin Sun Mar 31, 2013 6:14 pm

Assuming it is a natural death, you would call the funeral home and the patient's doctor (or whoever was the last treating doctor with knowledge about the patient's condition). The death certificate will need a reason why the patient died, and contributing causes. Thus, the doctor must know the patient's history. The funeral home will usually be able to bring a death certificate with them for the doctor to sign. If no doctor is treating the patient, and it is natural, sometimes the funeral homes have a doctor who can sign the certificate. Other cases will need the municipal doctor, who at this time is Dr. Miguel Angel Morales Ruiz 331 793 4876, but good luck getting to do anything. You would not call ambulance service.
If it is the result of a crime, you would call the police, and they would call forensics if necessary.

Funeral home in Guadalajara that does cremations:
Casa Funeral San Miguel
Pedro Moreno 1029
Col. Americana
33 3825 1556
33 3825 1355
33 3825 9452

Funeral Home in Chapala with low fees:
Funeraria San Francisco
López Cotilla 298
Col. Centro
Teléfono: 376 765 2053

Dr. Sam Thelin
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Who to call when someone dies Empty Re: Who to call when someone dies

Post by Ms.Thang Sun Mar 31, 2013 6:30 pm

Thank you everyone...

I don't know this guy...he is a friend of a friend. Sounds like he is not one of those LCS kind of guys.

Apparently he didn't have a regular doctor and the one they called would not sign a death certificate for an unknown person with an apparently natural but unknown cause of death.

Casa San Miguel , is excellent and they have the certificates but have always wanted a dr.s signature.

Thank you for the info on the Municipal Doctor, Dr. Sam.. . That was the thing I needed to know the most.

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