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What would you do with 450 million?

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What would you do with 450 million? Empty What would you do with 450 million?

Post by hockables Wed Aug 07, 2013 7:58 pm

US Powerball Lottery is 450 Million...
Spread that out over 30 years of payments, deduct federal & state taxes... Whatz that? ..... $100,000,000.00

I'd Retire!! & Move Ta Mexico!! Beer 

I would also wonder who got my other $350,000,000.00 and what they're doin with it.....Blackeye 

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What would you do with 450 million? Empty Re: What would you do with 450 million?

Post by Jim W Wed Aug 07, 2013 8:19 pm

Geez Hocks, I'd give it all to you! More brownies puleeze!
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What would you do with 450 million? Empty Re: What would you do with 450 million?

Post by SunFan Wed Aug 07, 2013 8:49 pm

Geez Jim

Wasn't that you that won the Poweball in 2010????

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What would you do with 450 million? Empty Re: What would you do with 450 million?

Post by jrm30655 Wed Aug 07, 2013 8:51 pm

hockables wrote:US Powerball Lottery is 450 Million...
Spread that out over 30 years of payments, deduct federal & state taxes... Whatz that?    .....  $100,000,000.00

I'd Retire!!  & Move Ta Mexico!!  Beer 

I would also wonder who got my other $350,000,000.00 and what they're doin with it.....Blackeye 

Pay VISA and tell MasterCard better luck next time

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What would you do with 450 million? Empty Re: What would you do with 450 million?

Post by zenwoodle Wed Aug 07, 2013 11:48 pm

Re-check the numbers at least three times, then ... I don't know.. Give it all to charity... whoever she is Beer 
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What would you do with 450 million? Empty Re: What would you do with 450 million?

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