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you can drive your US plated car here legally as a permante

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you can drive your US plated car here legally as a permante  - Page 2 Empty Re: you can drive your US plated car here legally as a permante

Post by Intercasa Tue Mar 11, 2014 9:39 am

Seen the email document. Info is old, aduana came out with new laws specifically mentioning new immigration statuses, also this document is from an insurance company who says they will only insure people who are temporary residents so their info is bad and even they will not insure permanentes. I would ignore info as a few things dont make sense and aduana is clear on their position as far as who can import foreign plated vehicles temporarily. Only tourists and temporales may import and drive the vehicles, unless related to the importer.

Las de vehículos propiedad de extranjeros que se internen al país, con la condición de estancia de visitante y residente temporal, siempre que se trate de un solo vehículo.
Los vehículos podrán ser conducidos en territorio nacional por el importador, su cónyuge, sus ascendientes, descendientes o hermanos, aun cuando éstos no sean extranjeros, por un extranjero que tenga alguna de las condiciones de estancia a que se refiere este inciso, o por un nacional, siempre que en este último caso, viaje a bordo del mismo cualquiera de las personas autorizadas para conducir el vehículo y podrán efectuar entradas y salidas múltiples

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you can drive your US plated car here legally as a permante  - Page 2 Empty Re: you can drive your US plated car here legally as a permante

Post by gravy Tue Mar 11, 2014 10:10 am

glad Spencer replied .....even Senor Geek couldn't post it.... sorry folks
sounded good
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you can drive your US plated car here legally as a permante  - Page 2 Empty Re: you can drive your US plated car here legally as a permante

Post by Rolly Tue Mar 11, 2014 12:13 pm

Spencer, what you quoted seems to be from a revised version of Articulo 106, can you give us a link to the articulo?  Thanks.
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you can drive your US plated car here legally as a permante  - Page 2 Empty Re: you can drive your US plated car here legally as a permante

Post by Intercasa Tue Mar 11, 2014 1:55 pm

Just google ley aduanera, they updated it in December.
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you can drive your US plated car here legally as a permante  - Page 2 Empty Re: you can drive your US plated car here legally as a permante

Post by snowyco Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:23 am

Scroll about ½ way down.

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you can drive your US plated car here legally as a permante  - Page 2 Empty Re: you can drive your US plated car here legally as a permante

Post by gravy Fri Mar 14, 2014 2:29 pm

can you identify the number of the specific law ..... article is a mile long
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you can drive your US plated car here legally as a permante  - Page 2 Empty Re: you can drive your US plated car here legally as a permante

Post by Rolly Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:08 pm

Articulo 106, IV
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you can drive your US plated car here legally as a permante  - Page 2 Empty Re: you can drive your US plated car here legally as a permante

Post by gravy Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:26 pm

thanks .......... I read English but it doesn't mention permante so I'm still confused .....(typical state of mind )
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you can drive your US plated car here legally as a permante  - Page 2 Empty Re: you can drive your US plated car here legally as a permante

Post by lucky Fri Mar 14, 2014 5:08 pm

Gravy, i'm with you. Read it. but don't see how it applies to Residente Permanente. Maybe Rolly or Spencer can enlighten us?

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you can drive your US plated car here legally as a permante  - Page 2 Empty Re: you can drive your US plated car here legally as a permante

Post by snowyco Sun Mar 16, 2014 4:56 pm

Since February of 2013,  Aduana officially prohibited Residente Permanentes from having TIP cars.  No foreign plated cars for RPs in Mexico, unless you are in a free zone like Baja California or Q. Roo.

There is no mystery.

Articulo 106 of the Ley Aduanera is for Residente Temporales,  visitor visa folks,  and their family members who are allowed to drive the TIP car.    The reason some people say it is good to keep a copy in your TIP car is that some police and militars do not know the law.   If you have a TIP car and are stopped, you can show them the Spanish version  to prove your wife or mother or some other Residente Temporal (foreigner with the same visa type) is permitted to drive your car.

Here's a link to both english and spanish versions of Articulo 106, Frac. 4  to print and keep in your TIP car:
~ Important Rules for Operating Foreign Plated Cars in Mexico: Article 106 and Article 17-17.4 Copies to Keep in Your Car

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you can drive your US plated car here legally as a permante  - Page 2 Empty Re: you can drive your US plated car here legally as a permante

Post by Playaboy Sun Mar 16, 2014 5:40 pm

Snowyco, are you sure that RP's can keep there foreign plated cars in the free zone? Aren't RP's the same as Mexican nationals regarding the vehicles they are allowed to drive?

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you can drive your US plated car here legally as a permante  - Page 2 Empty Re: you can drive your US plated car here legally as a permante

Post by snowyco Sun Mar 16, 2014 8:31 pm

The key is that the RP is still a foreigner - with all the special rights that foreigners have in the free zones (parts of Sonora, B.C., Q. Roo, BCS).   A good friend who is also a rabbi has checked this with the local police supervisors and state police and federal police in Cancun  and on south to PDC,  and with Aduana at the Subteniente López ("Chetumal") border crossing.  He carries a letter he got from Aduana DF that also describes their official approval for him as an RP to drive a foreign plated car in the free zone of the State of Q.Roo.    As a result, after her got his RP, he took his TIP car to Belize border, surrendered the TIP to Aduana,  and they cheerfully waved him back into Mexico,  reminding him:   He must keep the US registration & license plates valid/current and he must not take the car out of Q. Roo into the rest of Mexico.

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