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Federales in Ajijic by LCS

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Federales in Ajijic by LCS - Page 2 Empty Re: Federales in Ajijic by LCS

Post by CHILLIN Sat Mar 15, 2014 6:23 pm

Don't worry Hickton the comment is from someone who does not live here, does not want to live here, so is therefore bored reading about traffic in a small retirement community in Mexico.

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Federales in Ajijic by LCS - Page 2 Empty Re: Federales in Ajijic by LCS

Post by CheenaGringo Sat Mar 15, 2014 6:23 pm


In some societies a show of force (confrontation with a large number) tends to receive a "push back" and the official's ego comes to the surface. Why not give him an initial chance with your basic one on one?

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Federales in Ajijic by LCS - Page 2 Empty Re: Federales in Ajijic by LCS

Post by hickton Sat Mar 15, 2014 6:27 pm

this is exactly what I am proposing. please read my posts.

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Federales in Ajijic by LCS - Page 2 Empty Re: Federales in Ajijic by LCS

Post by slainte39 Sat Mar 15, 2014 6:48 pm

elizabeth63 wrote:I agree with you C Bob...driving around in shiny new trucks is not much help...however, if they actually walked around the streets every now and then...well...that would make a visible difference to me, anyway...I saw police of every type all over Mexico City, and more recently in Merida...It's just reassuring to see them around.  We get an occasional whiz by of those two dudes on scooters or are they cycles?  they always seem to be in a hurry to go somewhere...If there were a few traffic cops at the light at the libramento at the carretera, they could write out enough tickets to stuff the coffers of Jalisco! Maybe they should allow the traffic cops to earn a percentage $$ of the tickets they write...then no more complaints about their low salaries...

Would you prefer that they drive around in dirty old trucks, as that seems to be bothering you.  The municipio of Chapala is rather spread out compared to SMA and requires faster reaction time and mobility for the physical area with a limited number of police.  A cop with a cell phone walking a beat on Independencia/16 de Sep. in Ajijic would have a hell of a time stopping anything or aprehending anyone, in say, La Floresta or Upper Ajijic.
Or do you think there should be pedestrian beat patrolmen for every block.  Thieves. robbers, murderers, etc, have vehicles nowadays, this is not the early 20th century, when cops walked around looking for bad boys in the ghettos stealing apples (bad boys and cops), from grocers.  Criminals today are quite a bit more hi-tech.
It's like suggesting that armies should  be marching on foot to battles rather than using modern transportation.

More Vialidad at the T-intersection of the Libramiento and the Carretera?
I remember a few years ago when this board and the others as well, could harly handle all the complaints about Transito hanging out there, preying on poor defenseless motorists, usually North/Americans, and "why can't we get rid of them (from there)".  You see, no one (saracastically speaking) is ever guilty of anything when ticketed or mordida(ed) there.

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