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Great story

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Great story Empty Great story

Post by itsme Tue Oct 28, 2014 9:39 am

This heartwarming story was posted on TOB:


When I meet someone who learns I'm a volunteer for the Ranch, that's usually the first question they ask.  It's hard to answer.  Usually my day starts with a walk through to see if all 70 plus dogs seem ok.  Usually one seems to needs attention.  Maybe just a walk, a bath, grooming or maybe a trip to the vet.  Sometimes they just seem to need some love and petting.  But sometimes, volunteering at the Ranch provides you the opportunity to take part in a little miracle.

Two weeks ago today I was driving to the Ranch on the libramiento from Ajijic with another volunteer and one of our workers.  We were well past the technology college when we saw a small white dog walking on the libramiento.  Although I knew there really was no space at the Ranch for another dog, we stopped.  Martin, our worker, got out of the car and that little angel walked across the road and into his arms. Obviously she was so grateful to finally find some help.  She was bleeding from both hips and had some mud on her, but appeared to have been well groomed.  Gudrun and another volunteer were heading into Guad that day and they agreed to take her to Dr. Baron.  He x-rayed her and no broken bones, but she had two large puncture wounds in each hip, one as large as my little finger.  The wounds were badly infected.  Dr. Baron kept her for five days and then another volunteer picked her up and returned her to the Ranch.  The wounds were still open and draining - and very prone to being reinfected.  Gudrun put out the call for a foster home.  The volunteer that had been with me when we found her agreed to foster.  She was a wonderful nurse.  She kept the wounds clean and gave this little sweetheart lots of love. Chloe (as we called her) started to heal.

Then yesterday a man came to the Ranch in a last attempt to find his missing dog.  She'd escaped during a thunder storm two weeks ago.  The volunteers that were at the Ranch that day remembered the little dog we had found, and called me.  He came to my house and was in tears when I told him the story of how we found her.  I contacted the foster mom and we took little Chloe (we now know her name is Pinky) to meet the man and his wife.  There were tears all around.  The wife sobbed when she saw her little angelita.  So how did this 10 pound dog make it from their home in Riberas to half way up the libramiento without being hit by a car?  How fortunate was she that it was a car full of Ranch volunteers that saw her?  What made the owner finally come to the Ranch in a last effort to find his missing dog?

Not sure, but sounds like a little miracle to me.  I just know that all of us who had a hand in this reunion feel very happy and fulfilled.

So, this is what I do at the Ranch.  Sometimes I am fortunate enough to have a small hand in a story like this.  As always, we are in great need of more volunteers.  

Contact me if you’d like to help.

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Great story Empty Re: Great story

Post by Pedro Tue Oct 28, 2014 10:17 am

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Great story Empty Re: Great story

Post by Zedinmexico Tue Oct 28, 2014 12:18 pm

I take care of the cats at LCS along with others folks . One feral cat was taken to a vet in Riberas after it was humanly trapped. Well it escaped from the vet a few days later and walked back to LCS. At that point what can one say. It wanted to live at LCS and does to this day and never leaves the facility. Next time you see the grey Calico sitting near humans but never going close you can appreciate her a little more. Animals do amazing things sometimes.

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Great story Empty Re: Great story

Post by CanuckBob Tue Oct 28, 2014 12:47 pm

Uhhh.......I think that cat and his posse live on my roof every night. Sounds like a football team running across the tiles.....jaja.
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Great story Empty Re: Great story

Post by espíritu del lago Tue Oct 28, 2014 2:30 pm


Great story ! I love happy endings...
espíritu del lago
espíritu del lago
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Great story Empty Re: Great story

Post by Flamingo Tue Oct 28, 2014 5:49 pm

It's these stories that keep us volunteering. They keep us bringing dogs to adoption day hoping one will find a home. They keep us knowing that some days Saint Frank really is keeping an eye on things.
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