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Discounts-Casa Gourmet(LaHuerta)closing due to new permit/tax laws

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Discounts-Casa Gourmet(LaHuerta)closing due to new permit/tax laws Empty Discounts-Casa Gourmet(LaHuerta)closing due to new permit/tax laws

Post by sm1mex Tue Nov 25, 2014 4:24 pm

The Casa Gourmet store west of town in the same plaza as Pescado Pacifico, lakeside, is closing Friday. This store is not the one next to HSBC.
There are new tax/permit laws coming into effect required by the U.S. and Mexico on import products. Apparently for small businesses, this can be cost prohibitive and is forcing him to close. He has 15% discount on everything in the store through Friday.

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Discounts-Casa Gourmet(LaHuerta)closing due to new permit/tax laws Empty Re: Discounts-Casa Gourmet(LaHuerta)closing due to new permit/tax laws

Post by Mainecoons Tue Nov 25, 2014 5:57 pm

Government strikes again.

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Discounts-Casa Gourmet(LaHuerta)closing due to new permit/tax laws Empty Re: Discounts-Casa Gourmet(LaHuerta)closing due to new permit/tax laws

Post by sm1mex Tue Nov 25, 2014 6:13 pm

Yes. He also said businesses are required to have an accountant on their payroll to report to the government and also facturas must be given electronically now by law. Many mom and pops don't have the money or the technology equipment to do this.
Sad. Hard working Mexicans just trying to make a living and government makes it impossible, both U.S. and Mexico.

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Discounts-Casa Gourmet(LaHuerta)closing due to new permit/tax laws Empty Re: Discounts-Casa Gourmet(LaHuerta)closing due to new permit/tax laws

Post by sm1mex Wed Nov 26, 2014 10:28 am

Oops. The correct name of the store that is closing is Casa Imports.

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Discounts-Casa Gourmet(LaHuerta)closing due to new permit/tax laws Empty Re: Discounts-Casa Gourmet(LaHuerta)closing due to new permit/tax laws

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