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Is there any list of places that give discounts to CURP card holders?

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Is there any list of places that give discounts to CURP card holders? Empty Is there any list of places that give discounts to CURP card holders?

Post by Clueless Mon 5 Jan 2015 - 21:59

I figure it's time to get the CURP card and wondered about the "benefits" on a day-to-day basis.

I just found out at least one other Latin American country has a law that says citizens over a certain age (maybe 60) must be given deep discounts by many businesses.

Is the CURP different than the INAPAM card?

I would think that would be a good thing for Mexico/Jalisco to enact.

Just a thought.

Last edited by Clueless on Mon 5 Jan 2015 - 22:04; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Add info.)
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Is there any list of places that give discounts to CURP card holders? Empty Re: Is there any list of places that give discounts to CURP card holders?

Post by Intercasa Mon 5 Jan 2015 - 22:11

A CURP is a number, nothing more like a social security number. DIF / INAPAM are old people ID and allow certain discounts
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Is there any list of places that give discounts to CURP card holders? Empty Re: Is there any list of places that give discounts to CURP card holders?

Post by artesialulu Tue 6 Jan 2015 - 9:11

INAPAM is a discount card for folks over 60 and you can apply for it in Chapala. Used to be at DIF but don't know now.

DIF card is more local and, while I have it too, I never use or carry it since INAPAM is more inclusive. Walmart Pharmacy is one vendor giving a small discount as well as the bus to GDL.

A CURP number is a federal Identification number and is necessary for legal transaction such as house sales and more discounts for citizens than non-citizens for some discounts as well as for a Mexican driver's license.
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Is there any list of places that give discounts to CURP card holders? Empty Re: Is there any list of places that give discounts to CURP card holders?

Post by Clueless Tue 6 Jan 2015 - 10:21

Where, when and how do I get the INAPAM card in Chapala?

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Is there any list of places that give discounts to CURP card holders? Empty Re: Is there any list of places that give discounts to CURP card holders?

Post by RVGRINGO Tue 6 Jan 2015 - 15:40

You begin at the DIF office on Degollado in Chapala. They will issue a DIF card and apply for an INAPAM card at the same time. It can be a long and frustrating process, as cards seem to be in limited supply. It took us 8 months to get the INAPAM cards with frequent visits.

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Is there any list of places that give discounts to CURP card holders? Empty Re: Is there any list of places that give discounts to CURP card holders?

Post by Trailrunner Wed 7 Jan 2015 - 8:03

Or, it can be a short one-time-only visit.
Arrive about 8AM and be sure and sign the tablet on the table just inside the door. Then go to the office and have a seat in front. bring a book. You also have to have all your documents, I forget which ones and how many copies but someone else will probably chime in on that. You can make copies nearby.
They DO have a limited number of cards per month to give out so what happened to RVGRINGO can happen at any time. Best to stop by and ask the kid if he has cards before going down in the morning and waiting.
Definitely worth doing.
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Is there any list of places that give discounts to CURP card holders? Empty Re: Is there any list of places that give discounts to CURP card holders?

Post by Bunyan Wed 7 Jan 2015 - 8:54

DIF is for Jalisco. INAPAM is nationwide. INAPAM has served me well numerous times - especially on the busses (50%). DIF has never done anything for me, other than get me an INAPAM card. Seven leisurely visits after application & I got my card - about 3 months in 2012.

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Is there any list of places that give discounts to CURP card holders? Empty Re: Is there any list of places that give discounts to CURP card holders?

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