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Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is?

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Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is? Empty Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is?

Post by Clueless Thu Jan 15, 2015 6:19 pm

As I said in my other post, I saw this girl 2-3 days ago running like crazy in the main drag in Chapala and having fun.

She is friendly, clean and very pretty.

Today I saw her and she has some (major) problem with her left rear leg.

I took her to Dr. Ladron's office and 3 hours, 2 X-rays and paying $1,000 all I got was some razzle-Dazzle I didn't understand. I was told the leg was not broken and it had to do with tendons or such. I was told to walk her but not let her run (she couldn't now if she wanted) and this would help.

Has anyone had experience with this problem? I figured it came on as a result of an accident (auto v. Pupster) but vet says no.

Should I get a second opinion?

I have seen other dogs here with this same problem.

I took her home w/me and had to rig up a sling to get her out of the car; she was in a lot of pain.

Any help appreciated

Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is? 2nm3if4
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Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is? Empty Re: Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is?

Post by CanuckBob Thu Jan 15, 2015 7:01 pm

Did you see Hector or another doctor? Hector knows his stuff IMO.
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Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is? Empty Re: Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is?

Post by Clueless Thu Jan 15, 2015 7:46 pm

CanuckBob wrote:Did you see Hector or another doctor? Hector knows his stuff IMO.

If you mean at Ladrone, I don't know. I know it wasn't Ladrone; younger guy some English.

After doing some research, I think what the vet told me was right.

Giving the girl some rest and will do some therapy and walking. She is close to skin/bones and is happy to get some decent food.

No matter what, it's worth it.
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Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is? Empty Re: Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is?

Post by Ms.Thang Thu Jan 15, 2015 8:40 pm

It's impossible to tell just from a picture but it could be a dislocated hip, wierd they didn't leave you with a better understanding. So did you talk with Hector , because he Is really good and very thorough. Something doesn't sound right here.

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Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is? Empty Re: Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is?

Post by natbug Thu Jan 15, 2015 8:46 pm

See the older Ladrone or another vet. I would recommend Bernice behind the Pemex on the Libramiento. I have not heard good things about the younger Ladrone.

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Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is? Empty Re: Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is?

Post by Pedro Thu Jan 15, 2015 9:08 pm

try eric the vet behind the market on juarez. take the x-ray with you. don't let her even walk too much,could do more damage.
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Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is? Empty Re: Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is?

Post by Intercasa Thu Jan 15, 2015 11:40 pm

Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is? LostDog
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Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is? Empty Re: Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is?

Post by Trailrunner Fri Jan 16, 2015 7:52 am

Looks like a dislocation to me too, get a second opinion. I recommend Dr. Daniel the vet at the shop next to Soriana.
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Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is? Empty Re: Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is?

Post by sparks Fri Jan 16, 2015 8:04 am

Maybe same happens to my dog. She goes lame for a few days hopping around on 3 and it slowly gets better. Had her treated one time but now we wait it out. Different legs always and some say because she's over weight
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Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is? Empty Re: Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is?

Post by gpbasap Fri Jan 16, 2015 11:34 am

You went to a vet. You left without understanding the prognosis or treatment. Now you want a webboard to explain what you couldn't hear?

Call or return to the original vet with your hearing aids turned on.
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Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is? Empty Re: Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is?

Post by hockables Fri Jan 16, 2015 12:14 pm

Clueless wrote:

I took her to Dr. Ladron's office and 3 hours, 2 X-rays and paying $1,000 all I got was some razzle-Dazzle I didn't understand. I was told the leg was not broken and it had to do with tendons or such.  I was told to walk her but not let her run (she couldn't now if she wanted) and this would help.

Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is? 2nm3if4

I take back most of the shitty things I said bout you Clueless.... you're OK..... Beer
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Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is? Empty Re: Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is?

Post by Pedro Fri Jan 16, 2015 12:19 pm

clueless has been looking after injured dogs for years as best he can.
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Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is? Empty Re: Can anyone give me an idea of what this injury is?

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