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Who is burning the putrid crap tonight close to Upper La Floresta?

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Who is burning the putrid crap tonight close to Upper La Floresta? Empty Who is burning the putrid crap tonight close to Upper La Floresta?

Post by suegarn Thu Mar 05, 2015 9:29 pm

Thanks for creating such a nauseous smell outside that we have to close our windows! Some people like to breathe clean air into their lungs!

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Who is burning the putrid crap tonight close to Upper La Floresta? Empty Re: Who is burning the putrid crap tonight close to Upper La Floresta?

Post by lunateak Fri Mar 06, 2015 9:26 am

¡Viva México!
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Who is burning the putrid crap tonight close to Upper La Floresta? Empty Re: Who is burning the putrid crap tonight close to Upper La Floresta?

Post by Trailrunner Fri Mar 06, 2015 6:12 pm

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Who is burning the putrid crap tonight close to Upper La Floresta? Empty Re: Who is burning the putrid crap tonight close to Upper La Floresta?

Post by diamondtuffy Fri Mar 06, 2015 6:32 pm

I have breathing problems and from the first day in MX I always thought the IMSS could save millions of pesos by cutting out the open burning, surely Mexicans are no more immune to noxious smoke than anyone else.

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Who is burning the putrid crap tonight close to Upper La Floresta? Empty Re: Who is burning the putrid crap tonight close to Upper La Floresta?

Post by CanuckBob Fri Mar 06, 2015 8:39 pm

The altitude at Chapala doesnt help breathing problems either.
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Who is burning the putrid crap tonight close to Upper La Floresta? Empty Re: Who is burning the putrid crap tonight close to Upper La Floresta?

Post by Zedinmexico Sat Mar 07, 2015 7:48 am

Good point CB. We have 15% less O at this altitude. Luckily the human body for HEALTHY folks does all kind of things to help but if we have problems it can be difficult for the breathing impaired and the smoke does not help. To be fair to Mexico in the Willamette Valley in Oregon we burned the Grass fields after harvesting and the whole sky would fill with smoke. Once the smoke covered I5 and folks got killed when the wind switched during a burn and cars crashed. That is what it took to stop the burning but slash piles (left over scrap wood after cutting trees down) are still burned but with more science about it. So we still burn in the US is my point at least in timber states.


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Who is burning the putrid crap tonight close to Upper La Floresta? Empty Re: Who is burning the putrid crap tonight close to Upper La Floresta?

Post by CHILLIN Sun Mar 08, 2015 7:33 am

You have to realize that there is an election on. That ungodly stank is the burning of the last term's election promises, hopefully before anyone notices!
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Who is burning the putrid crap tonight close to Upper La Floresta? Empty Re: Who is burning the putrid crap tonight close to Upper La Floresta?

Post by brigitte Sun Mar 08, 2015 8:31 am

Burning trees or wood smells good to me but unfortunately plastic and other toxic products are usually mixed in and that is really nasty and toxic. Wood smoke is bad enough for your lungs without having all the nasty stuff mixed in.

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Who is burning the putrid crap tonight close to Upper La Floresta? Empty Re: Who is burning the putrid crap tonight close to Upper La Floresta?

Post by Mainecoons Sun Mar 08, 2015 9:22 am

CHILLIN wrote:You have to realize that there is an election on. That ungodly stank is the burning of the last term's election promises, hopefully before anyone notices!

LOL, yes the fires are really big with the Huerta regime. Heck, just the one about the La Floresta gates could burn for weeks.

You hit the nail on the head!

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Who is burning the putrid crap tonight close to Upper La Floresta? Empty Re: Who is burning the putrid crap tonight close to Upper La Floresta?

Post by CHILLIN Sun Mar 08, 2015 12:30 pm

Of course us peasants surviving in the hills of Lake Chapala do a lot of burning - we have to. In the cool months, fires with mesquite wood, the rest of the time using mesquite charcoal and smoking our foods with orange, guava or lime woods. I use what millions of other jungle dwellers use world wide - a bucket stove, which fits a wok and skewers perfectly, or a Walmart charcoal BBQ for larger tribal gatherings.

When the bugs come this year I will be ready with home made, natural insect repellent incense. I will try cones, sticks and loose powders with those charcoal pucks in censors. The arsenal includes Lemon Eucalyptus, Holy Basil, Copal, Rosemary and a rather exotic one, Cake Bush, which has a strong Anise smell. It is used by Capuchin monkeys as an insect repellent, it repels ants, and it kills the larvae of Dengue carrying mosquitoes.
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