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Transferring an Ontario title while here in Mexico?

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Transferring an Ontario title while here in Mexico? Empty Transferring an Ontario title while here in Mexico?

Post by CanuckBob Mon Aug 03, 2015 12:24 pm

I have a friend who wants to buy a motorcycle that is registered in Ontario. Is there anyway to transfer title from here?
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Transferring an Ontario title while here in Mexico? Empty Re: Transferring an Ontario title while here in Mexico?

Post by Bill Phillips Mon Aug 03, 2015 5:04 pm

Does your friend have an Ontario address ?
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Transferring an Ontario title while here in Mexico? Empty Re: Transferring an Ontario title while here in Mexico?

Post by CanuckBob Mon Aug 03, 2015 6:12 pm

Nope. But he could probably get one if that's all it takes. Do you know the process?
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Transferring an Ontario title while here in Mexico? Empty Re: Transferring an Ontario title while here in Mexico?

Post by sumofabit Mon Aug 03, 2015 6:49 pm

Will this matter?

"Plates typically stay with the owner rather than the vehicle, and motorists usually transfer plates from their previous vehicle to the new one as a cost-saving measure."

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Transferring an Ontario title while here in Mexico? Empty Re: Transferring an Ontario title while here in Mexico?

Post by Ezzie Tue Aug 04, 2015 8:33 am

That is correct Bob.  The plates stay with the owner.  The old owner needs to sign the "ownership" and give it to the new owner.  On the back of the ownership in the section titled "Application for Vehicle Transfer" there is a spot for the Seller to sign.  The new owner then has to fill out his address and driver's licence information and the name of the insurance co/policy#, pay the sales tax on either the receipt value or the MTO's valuation and they sell him a new plate.

Ontario will not issue a current plate until there is proof of insurance coverage. The MTO's computers are tied into all of the insurance company databases. He may also be required to present a safety certificate but not completely sure on that one as I haven't transferred a bike ownership in Ontario ever.

If the person is not a resident of Ontario or has no Ontario driver's licence then he will have to take the "ownership" to his home jurisdiction (assuming another province) and do the thing by their rules. If it is going to be registered in a US state - it will need to be formally imported into the US of A first.

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Transferring an Ontario title while here in Mexico? Empty Re: Transferring an Ontario title while here in Mexico?

Post by CanuckBob Tue Aug 04, 2015 8:47 am

He is an American. It looks like his best bet would be to get the current owner to "nationalize" it and then he could purchase it as a Mexican vehicle. The bike is a 1982 so considered a classic.
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Transferring an Ontario title while here in Mexico? Empty Re: Transferring an Ontario title while here in Mexico?

Post by Ezzie Tue Aug 04, 2015 8:58 am

I would agree. The new owner can't get the title/ownership transferred in Ontario. The current owner should get it out of his name by getting an "Unfit" registration but would need to have someone take the original copy of the ownership (with the current owners info) into a Service Ontario office on his behalf to have this done.

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Transferring an Ontario title while here in Mexico? Empty Re: Transferring an Ontario title while here in Mexico?

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