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Paris Terriost Attack

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Paris Terriost Attack Empty Paris Terriost Attack

Post by espíritu del lago Fri Nov 13, 2015 4:07 pm

Many dead.. at least 30
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Paris Terriost Attack Empty Re: Paris Terriost Attack

Post by espíritu del lago Fri Nov 13, 2015 4:09 pm
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espíritu del lago
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Paris Terriost Attack Empty Re: Paris Terriost Attack

Post by espíritu del lago Fri Nov 13, 2015 4:14 pm

100 hostages taken..
Death toll climbing
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espíritu del lago
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Paris Terriost Attack Empty Re: Paris Terriost Attack

Post by espíritu del lago Fri Nov 13, 2015 5:13 pm

Borders closed
espíritu del lago
espíritu del lago
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Paris Terriost Attack Empty Re: Paris Terriost Attack

Post by hickton Fri Nov 13, 2015 6:34 pm

This is yet another trajic event in europe. Unfortunately i believe this will be the first of borders the surge of immigrants refugees this year alone is incredible and all of europe will be open for many more terrorist attacks like this..frightening .no way to beat these so called muslims.just takes one nutcase and we have devastation like tonight.there are many hundreds or thousands scattered through out the world just waiting to create terror in the western world.scarry stuff at the mo.having visited paris many times my sympathies to all involved and hope they catch the bstrds who have done this and give them all they deserve.

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Paris Terriost Attack Empty Re: Paris Terriost Attack

Post by toedippers Fri Nov 13, 2015 9:28 pm

hickton wrote:This is yet another trajic event in europe. Unfortunately i believe this will be the first of borders the surge of immigrants refugees this year alone is incredible and all of europe will be open for many more terrorist attacks like this..frightening .no way to beat these so called muslims.just takes one nutcase and we have devastation like tonight.there are many hundreds or thousands scattered through out the world just waiting to create terror in the western world.scarry stuff at the mo.having visited paris many times my sympathies to all involved and hope they catch the bstrds who have done this and give them all they deserve.

Is there any indication that the terrorists aren’t radicalized French citizens?  just sayin' this might not be a refugee nor immigrant issue... which IMHO would make it even more frightening...

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Paris Terriost Attack Empty Re: Paris Terriost Attack

Post by borderreiver Fri Nov 13, 2015 11:24 pm

toedippers and hicton. The poor people fleeing for safety just want to be safe. I highly doubt they have the means for this kind of atrocity. They barely have the means for food, clothing and transport. At the end of WW2 we gave these kind of people a hands up, more or less. You may be related to one of them. French security responded quickly but had no heads up. Now that the country is in it's first "State of Emergency" since 2005 I think you'll be seeing some action a la "let loose the hounds." And don't forget that France has this Ace up it's sleeve. The "Foreign Legion". They answer only to the top. No approving vote from anyone or any other country for that matter. "The Hounds". This could get interesting.
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Paris Terriost Attack Empty Re: Paris Terriost Attack

Post by espíritu del lago Sat Nov 14, 2015 4:06 am

Frances President said it's the Islamic state ie Isis.
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Paris Terriost Attack Empty Re: Paris Terriost Attack

Post by espíritu del lago Sat Nov 14, 2015 4:33 am

espíritu del lago
espíritu del lago
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Paris Terriost Attack Empty Re: Paris Terriost Attack

Post by hickton Sat Nov 14, 2015 4:42 am

Yes borderriver i am sure 99.9 percent are legitimate refugees but isis will have seen a great opportunity to put some of their people in the mix.this is the most worrying no one knows.stocks of arms and explosives will have been stored in many european countries just ready for these nutcases to do their thing when they are ordered.sleepers.i am not related to these people i am 100per cent british going back to 12th century.not sure the legion can do much as i said no one knows where these people are and are already embedded in the country of choice just waiting.a terrible night for europe and must have been traumatic for those involved. those who were killed.

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Paris Terriost Attack Empty Re: Paris Terriost Attack

Post by brigitte Sat Nov 14, 2015 4:44 am

Daech has not revendicated anything and the guys who did it are probably young French guys. It is interesting that the area they aimed at are the in areas where many young people live  and a rock concert and a football game the terrasses of restaurants were many young people were..
I was nervous until my family was accounted for as several live in that area. My nieve was locked up in her apartment scared as she could hear the shooting and explosions.
The Foreign legion is something from the past is not used in Continental France, the army is already all over Paris but once the first chock is over people have to go back to live their normal life, as you cannot stop living , no matter what you have to work and keep going on if that is where you live.
Hopefully people will get together rather than going after each other but I think once the fear goes, people are going to get really pissed off andI hope it will not be after innocent people.
They identified 8 major attackants but we know that the 4 from the theatre blew themselves up so what fo you go after? These people do not care if they are killed and many of their familie are against them joining Daech in the first place.
That was a nasty event that I am sure will not improve the situation of the people trying to get into Europe..

Actually all the attackand are dead now what.. Another tragedy in that awful situation.

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Paris Terriost Attack Empty Re: Paris Terriost Attack

Post by espíritu del lago Sat Nov 14, 2015 5:16 am

If article 5 is invoked it's war.
espíritu del lago
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Paris Terriost Attack Empty Re: Paris Terriost Attack

Post by hickton Sat Nov 14, 2015 6:29 am

I think we have been fighting a war since 911.i do hope the uk.and the other nato partners get behind france and support whatever action.problem is who are we fighting? Theres no one specific country to attack most of these terrorists sre already embedded in various european countries and attacking muslim states willy nilly just creates more jihadists.not all muslims are terrorists but most terrorists are muslim.big big problem to sort.closing stable door and horses bolting come to mind.

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Paris Terriost Attack Empty Re: Paris Terriost Attack

Post by hickton Sat Nov 14, 2015 6:35 am

I notice a complete lack of interest on this subject from the ignorant im all right jack nobs on the other board.why i am i not surprised? They really should get into the real world and not this ridiculous fairy tale land of paradise which they call ajijic.apart from the lake and climate its a bit of a dump.obviously they havent travelled much.

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Paris Terriost Attack Empty Re: Paris Terriost Attack

Post by itsme Sat Nov 14, 2015 7:17 am

Interestingly, this has gotten POTUS to fiinally say "terrorist", although he called it a "tragedy" when it was a terrible atrocity.

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Paris Terriost Attack Empty Re: Paris Terriost Attack

Post by Zedinmexico Sat Nov 14, 2015 7:33 am

What can I do Hickton??   What can I say Hickton?? What possible consequence is my input in this situation??  Maybe we should look at why they hate us and what we can do to stop situations like this from happening again but we won't. Why the insults??   Ajijic is a dump?  Who peed in your Wheaties this morning?


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Paris Terriost Attack Empty Re: Paris Terriost Attack

Post by espíritu del lago Sat Nov 14, 2015 7:59 am

Can someone who speaks French interpret this?
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Paris Terriost Attack Empty Re: Paris Terriost Attack

Post by gringal Sat Nov 14, 2015 8:04 am

Zedinmexico wrote:What can I do Hickton??   What can I say Hickton?? What possible consequence is my input in this situation??  Maybe we should look at why they hate us and what we can do to stop situations  like this from happening again but we won't. Why the insults??   Ajijic is a dump?  Who peed in your Wheaties this morning?


You got that right. If this is a dump, why is this character here?

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Paris Terriost Attack Empty Re: Paris Terriost Attack

Post by ltollefs Sat Nov 14, 2015 8:46 am

Zedinmexico wrote:What can I do Hickton??   What can I say Hickton?? What possible consequence is my input in this situation??  Maybe we should look at why they hate us and what we can do to stop situations  like this from happening again but we won't. Why the insults??   Ajijic is a dump?  Who peed in your Wheaties this morning?


Zed, where did your links go?
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Paris Terriost Attack Empty Re: Paris Terriost Attack

Post by Lady Otter Latté Sat Nov 14, 2015 8:50 am

Hickton assumes that unless people pontificate on a local web board about the latest world tragedy they are ignorant and apathetic. That is ridiculous.
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Paris Terriost Attack Empty Re: Paris Terriost Attack

Post by hockables Sat Nov 14, 2015 9:30 am

Lady Otter Latté wrote:Hickton assumes that unless people pontificate on a local web board about the latest world tragedy they are ignorant and apathetic. That is ridiculous.

The only good that came of this atrocity is the bastards blew themselves up.
This is going to get worse before it gets better.
So sad
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Paris Terriost Attack Empty Re: Paris Terriost Attack

Post by espíritu del lago Sat Nov 14, 2015 9:54 am

I just heard one of the terrorist was a French national extremist.
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Paris Terriost Attack Empty Re: Paris Terriost Attack

Post by CanuckBob Sat Nov 14, 2015 3:58 pm

IMO.....the only one's who can stop terrorist groups like ISIS or Al Qaeda are the Muslim people themselves and quite frankly the rest of the world needs to apply the appropriate pressure to get them to do so.
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Paris Terriost Attack Empty Re: Paris Terriost Attack

Post by viajero Sat Nov 14, 2015 5:59 pm

CanuckBob wrote:IMO.....the only one's who can stop terrorist groups like ISIS or Al Qaeda are the Muslim people themselves and quite frankly the rest of the world needs to apply the appropriate pressure to get them to do so.
I'd bet that the decent Muslims in France are mortified.

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Paris Terriost Attack Empty Re: Paris Terriost Attack

Post by Clete Sat Nov 14, 2015 6:28 pm

itsme wrote:Interestingly, this has gotten POTUS to fiinally say "terrorist", although he called it a "tragedy" when it was a terrible atrocity.

Oh, please. The act was an atrocity, evil, barbaric. The result IS a tragedy. Do you really need to inject that type of asinine commentary?

I abhor violence. Especially terrorist violence. More so when innocent people are the victims. Where was the outcry over all of the innocent Iraqis that died in the illegal invasion? People selectively choose what to be outraged over. In this case the victims were from a place considered civilized. Our ally and friend France. The recent bombings in Turkey didn't get even 10% of the coverage even though the death toll was nearly the same. Where were "we stand with our fellow humans in Turkey" proclamations? When we are equally outraged over the deaths of all human beings, when we value all humans equally, maybe this kind of shit will stop.

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