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TeleCable Empty TeleCable

Post by CanuckBob Tue Apr 26, 2016 11:43 am

I have Telecable in my casitas for my guests. I hadn't received a bill since January and I didn't really notice as I don't use Telecable in my main house so I kind of forget about it. Anyhow, yesterday they came by and disconnected my service (no notice, no knock on the door, nada). I went by the Telecable office this morning and asked them to hook it back up. I also asked why I haven't received a bill since January. They laughed and said Telecable has a new owner and things are really messed up. They haven't sent any bills out for months. They said people just have to remember to come in and pay every month or they just come by and cut it off.

So they told me to pay $550 pesos and they will come and hook it back up. They didn't even charge for the past 3 months of service. Crazy indeed.
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TeleCable Empty Re: TeleCable

Post by Intercasa Tue Apr 26, 2016 3:02 pm

Internet is horrible, they are also screwing people in Guadalajara making you get a box for every TV and charging 50 pesos a box per month.
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TeleCable Empty Re: TeleCable

Post by Rosa Venus Tue Apr 26, 2016 7:40 pm

Jajajaja! I've had Telecable since I moved to my new house in November of 2014. A few months or so ago, I wanted to watch something on TV (maybe the Academy Awards or a football game, can't remember) and discovered I had no signal. Figured it was just "out". But then I thought about it and realized I probably hadn't EVER turned the TV on in a couple of months prior to that moment, nor had I paid the bill.

Whoops. My bad. I immediately thought I should go correct it and get it turned back on.....and then I wondered, "Why bother? I haven't turned the TV on in months?" Very Happy

"Bill delivery" service must have effectively ended several months ago. Still haven't bothered to get my service back. I have no need/desire. But then your situation is different with rental casitas. PEOPLE WANT THEIR TELEVISION!

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TeleCable Empty Re: TeleCable

Post by CanuckBob Tue Apr 26, 2016 9:02 pm

Oh yeah, without my casitas I wouldn't go near these incompetent bafoons.
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TeleCable Empty Re: TeleCable

Post by Trailrunner Tue Apr 26, 2016 9:20 pm

Why do your casitas matter, do you get a package? Sky is not bad.
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TeleCable Empty Re: TeleCable

Post by WillieRae Tue Apr 26, 2016 9:30 pm

They actually called us a week ago to we needed to pay the bill so when I went in, I enquired as to why no bills any more...they told me the same thing...New company and things are a total mess. I guess the employees must be getting paid, tho.

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TeleCable Empty Re: TeleCable

Post by CanuckBob Wed Apr 27, 2016 7:45 am

Trailrunner wrote:Why do your casitas matter, do you get a package? Sky is not bad.

The guests want TV and it is the least expensive option. I have Shaw in my house. Does Sky offer free equipment?
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TeleCable Empty Re: TeleCable

Post by SunFan Wed Apr 27, 2016 8:04 am

You can have up to five Shaw receivers....anywhere. Wouldn't that work for your campus?

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TeleCable Empty Re: TeleCable

Post by Trailrunner Wed Apr 27, 2016 8:14 am

Oh. And you can't share the Shaw, huh?

Bob, I can't remember about the Sky equipment you should stop and ask a rep. I can tell you, though, be careful. Read the contract carefully because they are a bitch corporation. I had it happily in Sayulita for a year, with a 2 year contract, and when I wanted to move back here and continue with them they said 'No problem'. Said they would send someone to take the dish down and I could take it with me and they would set it all up up there. Well, not! None of that happened and when I tried to contact them in DF to negotiate a happy ending they lied and disconnected the call. Then their computers disconnected my calls everytime I called after a couple of rings. I hired my lawyers to get me out of the mess (they wanted me to pay for the dish and box and a years service) their computers disconnected their calls after a couple of calls as well. My lawyers said ef 'em, don't pay them a peso so I didn't and they even came to my house a couple of times. Others will tell you stories like this too. My lawyers said I wasn't their first client to have problems disconnecting with them.

Apparently, they hire third parties to dismantle the dish and collect the boxes and the one in Sayulita stole my equipment.

I enjoyed the programming though! lolol
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TeleCable Empty Re: TeleCable

Post by CanuckBob Wed Apr 27, 2016 8:43 am

No I can't hook up the Shaw in them for a number of reasons. I will check out Sky as well.
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TeleCable Empty Re: TeleCable

Post by gatosigi Wed Apr 27, 2016 8:51 pm

IZZI is doing some strange & hostile things in Vallarta. The alternate service, Cosmored is so swamped with people switching over that they can't install for a month.

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TeleCable Empty Re: TeleCable

Post by Zedinmexico Thu Apr 28, 2016 7:45 am

Izzi in Cancun sucks also. I couldn't believe what people told me on the Island. Brain dead the WIFI so it won't go thru any walls including your own house. Roll your own WIFI before I would trust these guys.

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TeleCable Empty Re: TeleCable

Post by bonjon42 Sat Apr 30, 2016 8:42 am

Update on the invoicing. Our April bill was delivered a few days ago. First one since January, so maybe they have that fixed. Now as to their service...that still sucks!

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TeleCable Empty Re: TeleCable

Post by viajero Sat Apr 30, 2016 10:01 am

The only times I've gotten our Megacable bill on time is before school vacation starts...

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