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Moving my stuff from Laredo TX to Lake Chapala

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Moving my stuff from Laredo TX to Lake Chapala - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving my stuff from Laredo TX to Lake Chapala

Post by Lady Otter Latté Tue 26 Jul 2016 - 18:57

Bill, you have been offered a lot of information and advice. There really are many different ways of making the move here. All of them will get you here.
You will sift through all this and come up with the plan that works best for you. People can tell you what they would do if they were you, but you are the only one who actually is you.

Lady Otter Latté
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Moving my stuff from Laredo TX to Lake Chapala - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving my stuff from Laredo TX to Lake Chapala

Post by Gamina Tue 26 Jul 2016 - 22:32

And remember Bill, all of us had similar problems in how we were going to get our stuff (or not) to Mexico. We went thru many scenarios trying to figure all this stuff out. When you are done you'll look back and wonder what you were so worried about. Good luck; you'll be fine in whatever you decide.
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Moving my stuff from Laredo TX to Lake Chapala - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving my stuff from Laredo TX to Lake Chapala

Post by BILLBOGEY Wed 27 Jul 2016 - 11:45

Gamina wrote:And remember Bill, all of us had similar problems in how we were going to get our stuff (or not) to Mexico.  We went thru many scenarios trying to figure all this stuff out.  When you are done you'll look back and wonder what you were so worried about.  Good luck; you'll be fine in whatever you decide.

WOW, I am overwhelmed (in a good way) by the number of people who are willing to take time to help me here. I feel like I am moving to place where people care about each other.
I have a PM on a carpool option that I will learn more about. I have had several escort options presented to also consider. I have learned the hard way there are situations where I should not to squeeze the Buffalo. This is one of them.
I have a DELL tower PC that works fine, a almost new wireless multifunction printer, and a monitor. Should I bring these with me, instead of getting a lap top? I think the printer will work with a lap top. I also have to decide which tools to bring, cordless drill, impact driver and sockets, Craftsman socket set, etc. Shoes, I wear size 12 and heard they may be hard to get in MX, should I not plan on buying shoes there? I have plenty to bring. Any advice on this?
Thank you all so much for your help, I will be back at computer tomorrow. Bill

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Moving my stuff from Laredo TX to Lake Chapala - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving my stuff from Laredo TX to Lake Chapala

Post by gringal Wed 27 Jul 2016 - 14:26

(1) My spouse wears size 12. No problem finding shoes.

(2) Unless you're planning to use those tools regularly, you might want to sell them. Anything you need is either at the local hardware stores or Home Depot.

(3) Best advice I can think of: go to and read everything about coming here. A real wealth of information on just about everything you need to know.
Good luck and welcome. Very Happy

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Moving my stuff from Laredo TX to Lake Chapala - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving my stuff from Laredo TX to Lake Chapala

Post by Zedinmexico Thu 28 Jul 2016 - 7:35

Mexican keyboard is different than US/Can keyboard. Yep read Rolly even if its old its still good info.

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Moving my stuff from Laredo TX to Lake Chapala - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving my stuff from Laredo TX to Lake Chapala

Post by Trailrunner Thu 28 Jul 2016 - 7:53

I've always heard guys complain about the quality of Mexican tools and wish they had brought theirs and those that did bring theirs were happy they did. I also wish I had brought a couple more pairs of running or hiking shoes, however, it's been 12 years now and all the cool stuff I brought down has long worn out! ymmv

Please remember, just because you don't bring something down with you doesn't mean you will never have it again for the rest of your life. I remember thinking that way when I was packing. You can always go up to TX/FL/AZ/CA for a shopping trip; there are tons of thrift shops selling a plethora of stuff you can't even imagine; there are tons of garage sales with gringo stuff; you can have friends and or family mule things down to you when they come to visit; you can order from Amazon and many other internet companies and have them delivered to your door. . .so, if you leave something behind all is not lost forever.

Have fun! Enjoy the process, it probably will be the only time you ever do this. flag waver
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Moving my stuff from Laredo TX to Lake Chapala - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving my stuff from Laredo TX to Lake Chapala

Post by BILLBOGEY Thu 28 Jul 2016 - 16:15

Please help, Yesterday I had several PM's on this site about border escort and a carpool option. I can't find them now. Is it normal for the PM to disappear or maybe I read and did not save the PM. I remember one person's PM but not others. If you are one of them please PM me again or send to my email

I read Rollybrook blogs, some interesting info. Also read the former topic here from 2012"looking to retire to lake Chapala and need coaching" I wonder if Gordy ever moved to Lakeside?

I will start reading Juan's Blog. This would be much easier if had computer at home.

Also, I would consider a short term house share if I have my own bedroom and bath. I am a non-smoker and considerate. This would give me time to find my own place.

Thanks, Bill

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Moving my stuff from Laredo TX to Lake Chapala - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving my stuff from Laredo TX to Lake Chapala

Post by CanuckBob Thu 28 Jul 2016 - 16:20

PM's remain in your inbox until deleted.
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Moving my stuff from Laredo TX to Lake Chapala - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving my stuff from Laredo TX to Lake Chapala

Post by BILLBOGEY Thu 28 Jul 2016 - 17:51

CanuckBob wrote:PM's remain in your inbox until deleted.

Thanks Bob, I will try to figure it out. I just started reading JUAN"S BLOG. Excellent, just wish i could continue instead of going home from library.

Will continue Friday

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Moving my stuff from Laredo TX to Lake Chapala - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving my stuff from Laredo TX to Lake Chapala

Post by BILLBOGEY Mon 15 Aug 2016 - 12:59


After much consternation and serious thought I have realized I am not ready to move to Lake Chapala at this time. I will revert back to my original plan to move to the RGV in south Texas.
I really appreciate everyone who responded to my posts on the various forums here. David and Rick S have given me personal help in trying to manage a move lakeside.
I did get over enamored by the great climate but I need to stay in m y comfort zone.
Best Regards, BillBogey

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Moving my stuff from Laredo TX to Lake Chapala - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving my stuff from Laredo TX to Lake Chapala

Post by RickS Mon 15 Aug 2016 - 13:12

Good Luck Bill.... you'll be fine wherever. Enjoy your life!

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Moving my stuff from Laredo TX to Lake Chapala - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving my stuff from Laredo TX to Lake Chapala

Post by Lady Otter Latté Mon 15 Aug 2016 - 19:01

That is what the research and questioning is about, helping you make the best decision for you at this time. Best of luck with what will still be a great adventure for you!
Lady Otter Latté
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Moving my stuff from Laredo TX to Lake Chapala - Page 2 Empty Re: Moving my stuff from Laredo TX to Lake Chapala

Post by Trailrunner Mon 15 Aug 2016 - 19:06

Yes. Bravo to you!
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