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mañana mañana

Lady Otter Latté
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mañana mañana Empty mañana mañana

Post by papa chango Mon Sep 05, 2016 2:05 pm

The following link should be required reading for any expat in Mexico.

Time, or the Zen of the Mexican Queue

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mañana mañana Empty Re: mañana mañana

Post by Lady Otter Latté Mon Sep 05, 2016 2:07 pm

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mañana mañana Empty Re: mañana mañana

Post by RVGRINGO Mon Sep 05, 2016 4:03 pm

You can try something like, “¿Mañana, por la mañana, precisamente a las ocho y media de la mañana, sin dudo?“, and........maybe; maybe not.

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mañana mañana Empty Re: mañana mañana

Post by Clete Mon Sep 05, 2016 4:14 pm

Discussing the meaning of the word mañana, like discussing the origin and use of the word gringo are as tiresome as the idiotic sink de mayo schtick.

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mañana mañana Empty Re: mañana mañana

Post by Jreboll Mon Sep 05, 2016 4:41 pm

It should be "sink du mayo."

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mañana mañana Empty Re: mañana mañana

Post by papa chango Mon Sep 05, 2016 4:43 pm

Clete wrote:Discussing the meaning of the word mañana, like discussing the origin and use of the word gringo are as tiresome as the idiotic sink de mayo schtick.

You are missing the point. The post is not about the word mañana. It's a little lesson on Mexican culture. Why don't you read the link to find out what it's about?

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mañana mañana Empty Re: mañana mañana

Post by Clete Mon Sep 05, 2016 7:04 pm

Jreboll wrote:It should be "sink du mayo."

It is supposed to read sinko de mayo but the autocorrect on my new Mac computer keeps changing spellings on me!

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mañana mañana Empty Re: mañana mañana

Post by Clete Mon Sep 05, 2016 7:11 pm

papa chango wrote:
Clete wrote:Discussing the meaning of the word mañana, like discussing the origin and use of the word gringo are as tiresome as the idiotic sink de mayo schtick.

You are missing the point. The post is not about the word mañana. It's a little lesson on Mexican culture. Why don't you read the link to find out what it's about?

mañana mañana 477249

I know what it is all about. My mistake was using the word "meaning", which you apparently assumed meant "definition". I should have instead used the phrase "discussing the concept of mañana".

You also assumed that I need a gringo "writer" to explain to me Mexican culture. I am confident I know much more about culture in this country than you or the author of your lesson.

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mañana mañana Empty Re: mañana mañana

Post by Lady Otter Latté Mon Sep 05, 2016 7:32 pm

Why so cranky, Clete?
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mañana mañana Empty Re: mañana mañana

Post by Clete Mon Sep 05, 2016 7:35 pm

Lady Otter Latté wrote:Why so cranky, Clete?

I dunno. One of those days. And I have little patience for stupid assumptions accompanied by a patronising attitude.

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mañana mañana Empty Re: mañana mañana

Post by Lady Otter Latté Mon Sep 05, 2016 8:29 pm

Okay. Thanks for answering my question. I did not take the essay all that seriously or personally so I didn't understand your response to it.
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mañana mañana Empty Re: mañana mañana

Post by addtocart Tue Sep 06, 2016 9:41 am

This same post on TOB resulting in a cascade of "If you don't like it, go home" and other assholeries.
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mañana mañana Empty Re: mañana mañana

Post by slainte39 Tue Sep 06, 2016 9:56 am

Everybody is an expert on living in and understanding the culture of Mexico...... lol!
It's like the terrain....all different.

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mañana mañana Empty Re: mañana mañana

Post by Clete Tue Sep 06, 2016 10:06 am

slainte39 wrote:Everybody is an expert on living in and understanding the culture of Mexico...... lol!
It's like the terrain....all different.

Especially internet "writers".

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mañana mañana Empty Re: mañana mañana

Post by Lady Otter Latté Tue Sep 06, 2016 10:10 am

I just live here. I watch. I listen. I learn. I laugh, get frustrated, understand, get confused. Most of all, I appreciate the kindness, attempts to understand me, help, and concern of people around me. I understand the people and culture a lot more than I did when I came here eight years ago. I know enough to know I have barely scratched the surface of all there is to know.
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mañana mañana Empty Re: mañana mañana

Post by slainte39 Tue Sep 06, 2016 10:13 am

Clete wrote:
slainte39 wrote:Everybody is an expert on living in and understanding the culture of Mexico...... lol!
It's like the terrain....all different.

Especially internet "writers".

A double....... lol! lol!

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mañana mañana Empty Re: mañana mañana

Post by slainte39 Tue Sep 06, 2016 10:15 am

Lady Otter Latté wrote:I just live here. I watch. I listen. I learn. I laugh, get frustrated, understand, get confused. Most of all, I appreciate the kindness, attempts to understand me, help, and concern of people around me. I understand the people and culture a lot more than I did when I came here eight years ago. I know enough to know I have barely scratched the surface of all there is to know.

You'll know your immersed when you start wondering what culture you came from. scratch

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mañana mañana Empty Re: mañana mañana

Post by Clete Tue Sep 06, 2016 10:24 am

slainte39 wrote:
Lady Otter Latté wrote:I just live here. I watch. I listen. I learn. I laugh, get frustrated, understand, get confused. Most of all, I appreciate the kindness, attempts to understand me, help, and concern of people around me. I understand the people and culture a lot more than I did when I came here eight years ago. I know enough to know I have barely scratched the surface of all there is to know.

You'll know your immersed when you start wondering what culture you came from. scratch

For some, that would be from a petri dish.

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mañana mañana Empty Re: mañana mañana

Post by brigitte Tue Sep 06, 2016 10:27 am

the mañana thing is just another stereotype , there are plenty of Mexicans who are sticklers on time.. my doctor is one also a couple of friends, one a business man and one an artist go crazy when people are late and do not call to let them know..human beings are human beings and no matter in which culture they live there is a little bit of every type..
You have themañana attitude in Hawaii , Africa in general and many other cultures probably but that does notmean everyone in those culture go along with it or are happy about it..

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mañana mañana Empty Re: mañana mañana

Post by ltollefs Tue Sep 06, 2016 10:31 am

Clete wrote:
slainte39 wrote:
Lady Otter Latté wrote:I just live here. I watch. I listen. I learn. I laugh, get frustrated, understand, get confused. Most of all, I appreciate the kindness, attempts to understand me, help, and concern of people around me. I understand the people and culture a lot more than I did when I came here eight years ago. I know enough to know I have barely scratched the surface of all there is to know.

You'll know your immersed when you start wondering what culture you came from. scratch

For some, that would be from a petri dish.

Clete wrote, "And I have little patience for stupid assumptions accompanied by a patronising attitude." Indeed.
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mañana mañana Empty Re: mañana mañana

Post by RVGRINGO Tue Sep 06, 2016 12:25 pm

There are island cultures, where an isolated village of fewer than 100 people may have no concept of personal property. They live a communal life, which can cause problems with visiting sailors, who may take things ashore, along with their tools, to make repairs. The work can bring on a need for a quick dip in the sea to cool down. Nudity is accepted; the ocean is very relaxing as you float about. Meanwhile, your tools and even your clothing may be finding new uses in other parts of the village. The only solution is to wait, wait and wait some more; until you find them unused and have the opportunity to “use them“ again, yourself, and quickly get them off the shore and back onto your vessel.

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mañana mañana Empty Re: mañana mañana

Post by CanuckBob Tue Sep 06, 2016 12:55 pm

Is that Gilligan's Island, RV?
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mañana mañana Empty Re: mañana mañana

Post by CanuckBob Tue Sep 06, 2016 1:08 pm

brigitte wrote:the mañana  thing is just another stereotype , there are plenty of Mexicans who are sticklers on time.. my doctor is one also a couple of friends, one a business man and one an artist go crazy when people are late and do not call to let them know..human beings are human beings and no matter in which culture they live there is a little bit of every type..
You have themañana attitude in Hawaii , Africa in general and many other cultures probably but that does notmean everyone in those culture go along with it or are happy about it..

I totally agree. All the contractors and workers (including my maid & gardener) that I deal with are very punctual. The ones that aren't don't get anymore work from me.
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mañana mañana Empty Re: mañana mañana

Post by RVGRINGO Tue Sep 06, 2016 1:13 pm

No, not a Gilligan in sight.
Nuku Hiva was where it happened. It is quite an interesting game. It has to be, as a true criminal has no escape from an island. Little was done that was not fun.  Holy cow!  It was over 40 years ago!  Now, the place has been discovered, and it is barely recognizable......sad.

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