On Retirement and What comes Thereafter
6 posters
On Retirement and What comes Thereafter
We were living in San Francisco, an impossibly expensive place in which to reside in retirement. We had contemplated retirement in Arizona,the Alabama Coast or Southern France but never California despite its incredible beauty simply besause we were not willing to pay the burdensome state income taxes as we drew down our IRAs during our retirement years. So then Mexico as a retirement haven dawned upon us. No taxes of consequence and an extraordinarily beautiful land with a reasonable cost of living and, as it turned out, a welcoming and undemanding local folk. We have been here 16 years and this move was a godsend to the point we now live at Lake Chapala and near the Guatemala border in Chiapas. Neither place exceeds the other - they have different characteristics - each significantly opposed, attractive and worthwhile.
We considered my native Alabama coast and my wife´s native France as retirement havens but chose Mexico over both other destinatiions and that turned out to be a wise decisión. Some things for those of you considering retirement to consider and , take this from those long ago retired and experienced at least in our affairs,considering our decisión as to places in which to reside until the inevitable end. There is excellent medical care available in most of Mexico and I say that regarding Jalisco and Mexico´s poorest state, Chiapas. Good places to spend your Third Age
We considered my native Alabama coast and my wife´s native France as retirement havens but chose Mexico over both other destinatiions and that turned out to be a wise decisión. Some things for those of you considering retirement to consider and , take this from those long ago retired and experienced at least in our affairs,considering our decisión as to places in which to reside until the inevitable end. There is excellent medical care available in most of Mexico and I say that regarding Jalisco and Mexico´s poorest state, Chiapas. Good places to spend your Third Age
Re: On Retirement and What comes Thereafter
As former long time California residents who moved to Mexico over a dozen years ago, I laud Bubba's comments. We have but one residence in Mexico and wouldn't choose to have dual locations as Bubba and his wife have, mainly because long road trips aren't especially appealing these days, and Burger King isn't a high priority. I expect it will arrive soon in our very own back yard.
When I hear what it takes these days to pay taxes or own property in places like California, we're both glad we took off in this southerly direction and haven't looked back.
...and besides that, the weather is a LOT better here.
When I hear what it takes these days to pay taxes or own property in places like California, we're both glad we took off in this southerly direction and haven't looked back.
...and besides that, the weather is a LOT better here.
gringal- Share Holder
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Re: On Retirement and What comes Thereafter
we have been here 8 years, and have no reason EVER to go back NOB
gobluejohn- Share Holder
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Re: On Retirement and What comes Thereafter
Lucky People. Smart too.
borderreiver- Share Holder
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Re: On Retirement and What comes Thereafter
gobluejohn wrote:we have been here 8 years, and have no reason EVER to go back NOB
A few years ago we took our one trip "home": four days, for a close relative's funeral. That's it. Our kids or friends get to come here.
We spoil 'em. They love it.
gringal- Share Holder
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Location : Lake Chapala (from CA)
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Re: On Retirement and What comes Thereafter
I've been here 12 years and stopped going north every year. The next will be when my 98 year old mother starts to fail
Re: On Retirement and What comes Thereafter
sparks wrote:I've been here 12 years and stopped going north every year. The next will be when my 98 year old mother starts to fail
I understand, Sparks. My Darlin´ wife´s mother is 95 and when she gets St. Gabriel´s call my wife must fly to Paris for requisite life-ending functions. I have no such problems with my Alabama antecedents as they are long gone since the 1970s. We all have our personal obligations at one time or another. Then, it´s our turn.
Re: On Retirement and What comes Thereafter
I brought mine with me, she loved it here and died in my arms 3 years later in Chapala at the age of 97.
Trailrunner- Share Holder
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