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199 peso TelCel plan. Does it include Hawaii??

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199 peso TelCel plan.  Does it include Hawaii?? Empty 199 peso TelCel plan. Does it include Hawaii??

Post by sm1mex Sun May 21, 2017 12:33 am

The 199 pesos TelCel plan includes unlimited calls in Mexico, U.S. and Canada without roaming as long as you have data. In the U.S. it connects with T-Mobile.

Does anyone know if Hawaii is included in this unlimited U.S. calling using only data and not roaming? Does Hawaii have T-Mobile towers?

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199 peso TelCel plan.  Does it include Hawaii?? Empty Re: 199 peso TelCel plan. Does it include Hawaii??

Post by Trailrunner Sun May 21, 2017 12:37 am

Just had friends visiting from Hawaii, with their Hawaiian phones, and we called and texted each other for 3 weeks. No charges so far.
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199 peso TelCel plan.  Does it include Hawaii?? Empty Re: 199 peso TelCel plan. Does it include Hawaii??

Post by sm1mex Sun May 21, 2017 1:45 am

Could you clarify their Hawaiian phones? Did they have the TelCel Mexican plan for U.S. and Canada that operated only on data and cell towers with no roaming?

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199 peso TelCel plan.  Does it include Hawaii?? Empty Re: 199 peso TelCel plan. Does it include Hawaii??

Post by sm1mex Sun May 21, 2017 1:51 am

Oops. I see your friends were visiting from Hawaii, so they apparently are not on Mexican TelCel plan but on U.S. Hawaii cell plan. I need to know if Mexican cells can work in Hawaii without roaming as long as the free U.S./Canada call plan is covered only using data, not roaming.

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199 peso TelCel plan.  Does it include Hawaii?? Empty Re: 199 peso TelCel plan. Does it include Hawaii??

Post by David Sun May 21, 2017 3:26 am

I do believe that Hawaii is included in the USA portion of the plan, just as Alaska is!
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199 peso TelCel plan.  Does it include Hawaii?? Empty Re: 199 peso TelCel plan. Does it include Hawaii??

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