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Ajijic Malecon action today?

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Ajijic Malecon action today? Empty Ajijic Malecon action today?

Post by gringal Tue Mar 27, 2018 10:19 am

Went for a walk on the Malecon a little after 7 a.m. (Tuesday, the 27th) and had to park in the most western of the parking areas. Otherwise, the lots were completely filled with cars and trucks, some with professional looking sound and filming paraphernalia. Big tent set up; lots of people eating under it; catering truck there. Same thing as last Friday. Anyone know what's going on? Shocked

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Ajijic Malecon action today? Empty Re: Ajijic Malecon action today?

Post by Gamina Tue Mar 27, 2018 12:53 pm

It's one of two of the religious holiday weeks in Mexico.
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Ajijic Malecon action today? Empty Re: Ajijic Malecon action today?

Post by gringal Tue Mar 27, 2018 1:46 pm

I think that's pretty well known, but the setup on the Malecon looks like it's for a film, with no religious overtones in evidence, and it's the same as the setup last Friday.

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Ajijic Malecon action today? Empty Re: Ajijic Malecon action today?

Post by CanuckBob Tue Mar 27, 2018 2:56 pm

They seem to film a lot of commercials around here so likely another one.

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Ajijic Malecon action today? Empty Re: Ajijic Malecon action today?

Post by Marrell Tue Mar 27, 2018 2:57 pm

Film crew was there when I tried to drive thru Monday afternoon...set up near the skateboard park.
Had to wait 5 minutes and they they opened up the area to drive thru but all the parking area was
roped of on the north side of the malecon as well as Pedro Moreno alongside the old hotel.
Someone at LCS heard that Sylvester Stallone was there....????

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Ajijic Malecon action today? Empty Re: Ajijic Malecon action today?

Post by CanuckBob Tue Mar 27, 2018 2:59 pm

Maybe they are filming a 6th Rambo installment called "Grambo"

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Ajijic Malecon action today? Empty Re: Ajijic Malecon action today?

Post by ferret Tue Mar 27, 2018 3:16 pm

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Ajijic Malecon action today? Empty Re: Ajijic Malecon action today?

Post by dichosalocura Wed Mar 28, 2018 2:11 am

For those that are still curious about what they are filming on the Ajijic Malecón and the Chapala Malecón, I finally got the answer after asking around 6 different important but frantic looking people running about their business.  The first guy said it was a tourist advertisement showcasing Lake Chapala, the second guy said it was just a commercial.  When in any Latin American country, never rely on the first or second reply.  So I asked a third person, a woman in my fairly fluent Spanish, and she said it was a comedy called La boda de mi mejor amigo.  The 4th person confirmed it was La boda de mi mejor amigo.  This was like last Friday, I went out again today, Tuesday.  I saw a guy taking a break, sitting on some kind equipment case next to the bench by the fountain I like to sit on, and I asked him.  He said they spent a few days filming in Ajiic, but now they are back in Chapala and are filming La boda de mi mejor amigo.  I quickly googled it on my phone and found an article mentioning that they are filming the Mexican version of  Julia Robert´s My Best Friends Wedding directed by Gabriel Ripstein, I showed the guy the article and he confirmed it and even pointed out to me Gabriel Ripstein.  Nothing against Jews, (I even happen to speak Hebrew), but isn't it funny that even in México, movie directors tend to be Jewish?

He is a link to the article about the movie.

Yesterday on Monday, on the Chapala malecón another film crew was hard at work, and I found out they were filming a McDonald´s commercial with a girl kayaking on the lake, it was being produced to be shown on US TV only, not to be shown in Mexico I was told. The guy also told me that McDonald´s was trying to change their image to show that McDonald´s cuisine can inspire healthy living.

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Ajijic Malecon action today? Empty Re: Ajijic Malecon action today?

Post by dichosalocura Wed Mar 28, 2018 2:29 am

My bad.......Celso García is the director and the article says that Gabriel Ripstein will be in charge of the does that make Ripstein the producer?

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Ajijic Malecon action today? Empty Re: Ajijic Malecon action today?

Post by gringal Wed Mar 28, 2018 10:39 am

Thanks for satisfying my curiosity.

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