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Gas Prices in Vancouver

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Gas Prices in Vancouver Empty Gas Prices in Vancouver

Post by doc holiday Mon Apr 30, 2018 10:56 pm

Want to fill up in Vancouver, British Columbia? It’ll cost you — a lot.

Gas prices surged to $160.9 a liter Sunday morning — almost $8 a gallon in USD.

Former Liberal Member of Parliament Dan McTeague, who now heads the petroleum industry watchdog, told CBC News that Vancouver has the dubious honor of having the highest gas prices anywhere in North America, from Alaska to Mexico.

doc holiday
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Gas Prices in Vancouver Empty Re: Gas Prices in Vancouver

Post by MexicoPete Mon Apr 30, 2018 11:21 pm

Gas buddy said the average price per liter in Vancouver was 160 cents or $1.60 Canadian.
Now in the US where there are 3.784 liters per US gallon, the cost would be $6.05 Canadian or at .78 US per one Canadian that equates to $4.72 US per gallon
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Gas Prices in Vancouver Empty Re: Gas Prices in Vancouver

Post by doc holiday Mon Apr 30, 2018 11:23 pm

Here is the site for the full article. It quotes the price in US Dollars but is not specific if it is US gallons. I would assume it is

doc holiday
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Gas Prices in Vancouver Empty Re: Gas Prices in Vancouver

Post by MexicoPete Mon Apr 30, 2018 11:42 pm

Go to gas buddy dot com. You referred to it above and yes it showed that the average price for a liter of regular in Vancouver is 160 cents or $1.60 Canadian per liter or at the present exchange rate of 78 cents Us per Canadian dollar then that would be $1.25 US per liter. Now we are talking about the US gallon not the Canadian imperial gallon here.

There are 3.784 liters per US gallon and 3.784 times $1.25 = $4.73 per US gallon or about $5.93 US per Canadian imperial gallon
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Gas Prices in Vancouver Empty Re: Gas Prices in Vancouver

Post by gringal Mon Apr 30, 2018 11:46 pm

There's a disconnect going on. Just about the time U.S. buyers didn't want any steenking economy cars, gas prices headed up. Meanwhile, a "hardship" exemption from EPA rules was granted to Carl Icahn, a seriously wealthy Trump supporter. So the public is now going to be stuck with their large gas guzzlers filled with air polluting product at a higher price per gallon. Is this connected in any way? I think the public has been looted again.

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