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Trash pick up?

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Trash pick up? Empty Trash pick up?

Post by WillieRae Wed Nov 07, 2018 12:43 pm

This recycling thing has me a bit worried. Do people actually live at the dump site? In Tijuana, there is a real town set up in the dump...people are born, grow up and die there. They live off what is brought there, recycling the stuff is a big business. For a concise look at this, read "Across the Wire" by Luis Alberto Urrea.

In Mazatlan, there is also a large community at the dump and they are supplemented by the Vineyard Church.

Which makes me wonder if people DO live at the dump here, what will happen to them when they no longer have access to the garbage/trash? Is the ecologically correct thing really helping those in need? Where will the $$$ go when the recycled stuff is sold? More questions than answers for me at this point.

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Trash pick up? Empty Re: Trash pick up?

Post by ferret Wed Nov 07, 2018 12:57 pm

It is now being collected in compacting trucks. Try and separate that.
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Trash pick up? Empty Re: Trash pick up?

Post by brigitte Wed Nov 07, 2018 1:54 pm

Willie Rae considering they cannot even pick up trash , I would not worry about the recycling... In Mexico City they said they were going to help people living off the dumps but here.. considering they cannot pick up the garbage on a regular basis I doubt they will be able to do recycling..

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Trash pick up? Empty Re: Trash pick up?

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