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Panchos grocery store

Lady Otter Latté
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Panchos grocery store  Empty Panchos grocery store

Post by sm1mex Fri Apr 10, 2020 6:09 pm

Is Panchos grocery store open.

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Panchos grocery store  Empty Re: Panchos grocery store

Post by MexicoPete Fri Apr 10, 2020 6:30 pm

Yes, according to a post on the other board.
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Panchos grocery store  Empty Re: Panchos grocery store

Post by ColorMeBlue Fri Apr 10, 2020 8:04 pm

Yes. I was there yesterday. I found it well stocked but very crowded. The aisles are so close that it is impossible to maintain safe distances if another shopper is trying to access the same area.

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Panchos grocery store  Empty Re: Panchos grocery store

Post by Lady Otter Latté Fri Apr 10, 2020 8:10 pm

ColorMeBlue wrote:Yes. I was there yesterday. I found it well stocked but very crowded. The aisles are so close that it is impossible to maintain safe distances if another shopper is trying to access the same area.

If there are other shoppers in an aisle you wish to go through, lean against your cart and give a couple of loud, barking coughs. I find the aisle empties very quickly. Also works if people are not observing safe distances in check out lines.
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Panchos grocery store  Empty Re: Panchos grocery store

Post by windrider17 Fri Apr 10, 2020 8:27 pm

Open today, well stocked and more wine on the shelves than ever before.

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Panchos grocery store  Empty Re: Panchos grocery store

Post by caligirl108 Sat Apr 11, 2020 1:24 pm

Yes, Pancho's will be the only game in town, for those of us unwilling to risk Walmart or Soriana..  If you go there, please join me in asking Pancho to put on his mask too?  I asked him on wed when I was there - where is your mask?  (politely, we know each other) .. he said 'muy caliente.' All his staff had them on, or at least under their chin.. My Spanish isn't good enuf to explain to him that for us, it is a confidence builder, showing us that he cares about his vulnerable seniors.. and it is an act of leadership to employees.. Because if P gets sick, will his store remain open? Who is his 1st lieutenant..?

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Panchos grocery store  Empty Re: Panchos grocery store

Post by Trailrunner Sat Apr 11, 2020 1:35 pm

Pancho's is very small and people get way too close, with employees contacting and pushing past you in the aisles, and masks popularly worn on the chin as a fashion statement.

My new way of thinking, if I have to go out to shop, is to use Soriana or WM. They are large and airy and much easier to avoid close contact with non-compliant others. Except the cashiers!

Your point, Caligirl, is well-taken though and thank you for calling Pancho's attention to it.

Show me a store or restaurant that takes this seriously and requires ALL employees to be masked and gloved and they will have my undying (hopefully) loyalty!
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Panchos grocery store  Empty Re: Panchos grocery store

Post by caligirl108 Sat Apr 11, 2020 2:50 pm

In this moment of financial straits for local businesses, their owners & staff, I would prefer to support Panchos, Lupita@Panino's, Betty@Chopsticks, Jason@Adelitas etc. because I want them to make it thru this. The big box stores wil make it, no question.  So if I have to alter when I go out, do extreme decontamination when I get home (srsly - immediate shower & throw clothes in washer) I think its win for Lakeside.  I am VERY impressed with the Jalisco gov & local authorities this Easter weekend, turning Guad people back @checkpoints, getting mask compliance w Mexicans.. I think THAT's what's protecting us a the moment.. I think if more people could avoid the risk of going to Costco & just pay the few shekels more to Pancho, ensue his business & be able to eat in his cafe again someday, it's a reinvestment in our community.  Same with doing a take-out from a restuarant, just once a week, but if everybody did it.. we are voting w our peso now.. Very Happy

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Panchos grocery store  Empty Re: Panchos grocery store

Post by gringal Sat Apr 11, 2020 3:32 pm

What about the smaller restaurants that offer takeout and their staffs?
What about the people who do the Lakeside Delivery Service that shops Costco and brings the goods to us? At this point, everybody that has made a living in our community needs help.

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Panchos grocery store  Empty Re: Panchos grocery store

Post by gringal Sat Apr 11, 2020 3:32 pm

What about the smaller restaurants that offer takeout and their staffs?
What about the people who do the Lakeside Delivery Service that shops Costco and brings the goods to us? At this point, everybody that has made a living in our community needs help.

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Panchos grocery store  Empty Re: Panchos grocery store

Post by ComputerGuy Sat Apr 11, 2020 3:49 pm

Not only that, while they are still able, the Costco kids are able to deliver a far wider range of goods than Pancho ever will. He is still very specialized, even with the large wine and cleaning supplies setup on the other side. I presume at some point he will be more like SL, but that day is a ways off.
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Panchos grocery store  Empty Re: Panchos grocery store

Post by Trailrunner Sat Apr 11, 2020 4:08 pm

I'm big on Mi Ranchita Cremería in Chapala, they use protection, deliver promptly, and even go next door to fill the produce part of my order. They arrive promptly, I clip their total and tip in an envelope to the gate, and they put the box outside the gate. Happy to help support Juan, Erin, and Diego.

CG, why do you anticipate the Costco kids might not be able to continue?
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Panchos grocery store  Empty Re: Panchos grocery store

Post by ComputerGuy Sat Apr 11, 2020 6:42 pm

At some point I suspect Costco is going to tell them to back off because they buy more than their allotment. I don't know if it's any different if you have a business membership. And as stocks continue to dwindle, portions will be even more limited.

But I also anticipate if things get really bad in terms of lack of supplies, the US will be the first to see rioting and looting of stores and homes.
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Panchos grocery store  Empty Re: Panchos grocery store

Post by CanuckBob Sat Apr 11, 2020 7:16 pm

I anticipate more looting here when the poor are starving if this drags on too long. Lock your doors.......

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Panchos grocery store  Empty Re: Panchos grocery store

Post by Gamina Sat Apr 11, 2020 10:11 pm

CanuckBob wrote:I anticipate more looting here when the poor are starving if this drags on too long. Lock your doors.......

How about giving help to local pantries?
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Panchos grocery store  Empty Re: Panchos grocery store

Post by CanuckBob Sat Apr 11, 2020 10:23 pm

We have but it won't help the crackheads and other miscreants who make a buck ripping off tourists.

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Panchos grocery store  Empty Re: Panchos grocery store

Post by caligirl108 Sun Apr 12, 2020 2:52 pm

I am interested in these options you mention that deliver.. 'Costco kids' & Mi Ranchita, if you could PM me their contact info, TR. I am not flag waving for Pancho at all, it is just near me. He does Costco x2/week & apparently takes requests so you don't need to create a big order to make it worthwhile.

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Panchos grocery store  Empty Re: Panchos grocery store

Post by gringal Sun Apr 12, 2020 3:11 pm

caligirl108 wrote:I am interested in these options you mention that deliver.. 'Costco kids' & Mi Ranchita, if you could PM me their contact info, TR. I am not flag waving for Pancho at all, it is just near me. He does Costco x2/week & apparently takes requests so you don't need to create a big order to make it worthwhile.  

This should take you to the "Costco kids", aka Lakeside Shopping Service website:

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Panchos grocery store  Empty Re: Panchos grocery store

Post by Trailrunner Sun Apr 12, 2020 3:24 pm

Friend Mi Ranchita on FB and go from there. They are super nice and helpful. I PM my orders to them. They've been photographing all their products to help us with ordering. You will see.
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Panchos grocery store  Empty Re: Panchos grocery store

Post by gringal Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:17 pm

What is the website without the detour through FB?

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Panchos grocery store  Empty Re: Panchos grocery store

Post by ferret Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:51 pm

There is no website only Facebook but here is their phone number... 376 765 5108
They have a lot of photos on their facebook site but no list of products with prices and sizes. I don't blame them because it would be a lot of work.
The store looks very nice and very clean.
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Panchos grocery store  Empty Re: Panchos grocery store

Post by Plan B Mon Apr 13, 2020 10:55 am

Trailrunner wrote:Friend Mi Ranchita on FB and go from there. They are super nice and helpful. I PM my orders to them. They've been photographing all their products to help us with ordering. You will see.
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Panchos grocery store  Empty Re: Panchos grocery store

Post by CHILLIN Mon Apr 13, 2020 12:25 pm

Just had a water delivery from Katya water, Sal and his young assistant wearing masks and social distancing. Bought five garrafons. Remember, drink lots of water.
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Panchos grocery store  Empty Re: Panchos grocery store

Post by Trailrunner Mon Apr 13, 2020 12:49 pm

ferret wrote:There is no website only Facebook but here is their phone number... 376 765 5108
They have a lot of photos on their facebook site but no list of products with prices and sizes. I don't blame them because it would be a lot of work.
The store looks very nice and very clean.

They would be very happy to read what you say about the store. Juan, one of the owners, has been/was the imported foods distributor for SL for years. He knows what we like and is determined to provide it for us! Good peeps.
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Panchos grocery store  Empty Re: Panchos grocery store

Post by ComputerGuy Mon Apr 13, 2020 1:26 pm

Pancho is already benefitting from SL about to close. Extended lineups at all cash registers; people with tons of stuff in their carts. Too much for me to hang around. And keeping in mind, much of his stuff is pricey imported goods. From what I saw in the carts, I don't understand why people have a sudden need for expensive rice and ice cream...
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