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Great TotalPlay Service

Carry Bean
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Great TotalPlay Service Empty Great TotalPlay Service

Post by nlu Sat May 07, 2022 7:43 am

Our TotalPlay cut out yesterday (1st time in initial installation several months ago).

My wife called for service.

Said an hour or so.

More like 2 before 2 techs showed up and corrected problem in just a few minutes.

When asked what caused problem?

Answer: Honesty!

They said there was work being done in the area and they probably messed it up.

Honestly admitting a possible error is much better than the BS most companies give.

When Ilox didn't work, which was all the time, their answer when I asked why: 'Your connected equipment is the fault.'

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Great TotalPlay Service Empty Re: Great TotalPlay Service

Post by Carry Bean Sat May 07, 2022 8:51 am

Glad for you but I gave up just trying to get Total Play even installed. I have now wasted SEVEN full days waiting for them to show up. They never did. We’re supposed to come on a Tuesday and showed up on the previous Sunday just when I had to leave.

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Great TotalPlay Service Empty Re: Great TotalPlay Service

Post by Canada_Mike Sat May 07, 2022 1:32 pm

I'm like OP. Caled them twice and both times came quickly - once turning up early.
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Great TotalPlay Service Empty Re: Great TotalPlay Service

Post by ferret Sat May 07, 2022 1:57 pm

I am so impressed with TotalPlay. Absolutely zero problems in three months now. No buffering just a blissful constant speed.
And, it wasn't a fluke, they really do thank you for your payment at Oxxo... within five minutes of having paid it there. Never ever been thanked for a payment from either Telcel or Telmex or iLox. Sweet!
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Great TotalPlay Service Empty Re: Great TotalPlay Service

Post by OasisCloud Sat May 07, 2022 4:14 pm

I've had TotalPlay for 7 or 8 months now and had my first outage about 2 weeks ago. It was in the evening, and they came the next day. It turned out that my fiber line was cut somehow and they had to replace the whole line. The one thing that I don't like is how they string their fiber. Down the middle of the street, through big trees, etc.

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Great TotalPlay Service Empty Re: Great TotalPlay Service

Post by mudgirl Sat May 07, 2022 5:30 pm

ferret wrote: Never ever been thanked for a  payment from either Telcel or Telmex or iLox. Sweet!

About 6 months ago, I was finally able to get off my cell-based Telcel internet, which was metered and expensive and unreliable, with terrible speeds.

A guy here opened and offered his own internet business hook-up and it's great. He does the same thing- Whatsapps me a "Gracias" everytime I send him a photo of the Oxo receipt. He also messages all his clients when he is going to have to work on the system, with the hours to expect to not get a signal, as when one of his towers was recently vandalized, as well as an apology for the inconvenience.

You can bet I've been recommending his service to anyone who is having issues with their internet provider.

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Great TotalPlay Service Empty Re: Great TotalPlay Service

Post by CanuckBob Sun May 08, 2022 7:14 am

OasisCloud wrote:I've had TotalPlay for 7 or 8 months now and had my first outage about 2 weeks ago. It was in the evening, and they came the next day. It turned out that my fiber line was cut somehow and they had to replace the whole line. The one thing that I don't like is how they string their fiber. Down the middle of the street, through big trees, etc.

LOL......yes I saw them stringing the other day. They just throw the spool up there and let the line lay on anything that holds it up (other wires, tree branches, etc.) I will be interested to see the longer term reliability.

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Great TotalPlay Service Empty Re: Great TotalPlay Service

Post by dixonge Sun May 08, 2022 6:35 pm

CanuckBob wrote:
OasisCloud wrote:I've had TotalPlay for 7 or 8 months now and had my first outage about 2 weeks ago. It was in the evening, and they came the next day. It turned out that my fiber line was cut somehow and they had to replace the whole line. The one thing that I don't like is how they string their fiber. Down the middle of the street, through big trees, etc.

LOL......yes I saw them stringing the other day. They just throw the spool up there and let the line lay on anything that holds it up (other wires, tree branches, etc.) I will be interested to see the longer term reliability.

I'm constantly amazed that there aren't *more* outages of phone, internet and cable because of the wiring. I guess tiny, lightweight fiber lines won't hurt much... ?
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