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Mechanic named Ricardo?

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Mechanic named Ricardo? Empty Mechanic named Ricardo?

Post by Rosa Venus 24th May 2022, 12:49 pm

A very long time ago, there was a mechanic named Ricardo who worked at Francisco's shop across from Farmacias Maskaras in Riberas. After Francisco's closed Ricardo opened his own place nearby. But I went there looking for him and couldn't find his place. Some guys there said he opened in Chapala. Does anybody have Ricardo's phone number or know his location? Guys near where he used to be said maybe "Mister Crow" street, sort of near the Immigration office. Thanks.
Rosa Venus
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Mechanic named Ricardo? Empty Re: Mechanic named Ricardo?

Post by Playaboy 25th May 2022, 1:25 pm


Up the street from Pedro's house. Call first before you go

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Mechanic named Ricardo? Empty Re: Mechanic named Ricardo?

Post by Rosa Venus 26th May 2022, 9:05 pm

Perfect. Thanks very much! I didn't think it likely I'd get an answer at all. I need to have the car serviced before going on a road trip - it's way too hot to have an avoidable roadside delay, especially with a friend's 5-year-old daughter in the car - so need to get the car serviced for that trip and find a reliable guy for maintenance in the future. Gracias!
Rosa Venus
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Mechanic named Ricardo? Empty Re: Mechanic named Ricardo?

Post by mudgirl 26th May 2022, 10:29 pm

I once had the misfortune to caravan with 2 other cars up to the US. Both I and the other couple had of course had our cars serviced before the trip. The other woman hadn't. Half an hour from starting out, she had a blow-out. She didn't even know where the jack was located in her car. The man of the couple had to lay under her car in his clean clothes, changing it. Then we had to wait while she got the blown tire fixed when we got to the next town. A few hours after that, her engine started screwing up, so we had to wait while she found a mechanic.

But she managed to get her 2 foo-foo dogs groomed with little pink bows in their fur and pink rhinestone collars before the road trip.

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Mechanic named Ricardo? Empty Re: Mechanic named Ricardo?

Post by ferret 27th May 2022, 6:12 am

She probably got her own hair cut and styled as well as her nails done. Some people's priorities are strange.
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Mechanic named Ricardo? Empty Re: Mechanic named Ricardo?

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