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Introducing "Dirty Paws" Mobille Home Grooming for Dogs

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Introducing "Dirty Paws" Mobille Home Grooming for Dogs Empty Introducing "Dirty Paws" Mobille Home Grooming for Dogs

Post by ferret Thu Feb 09, 2023 12:43 pm

José Luis González and his assistant came to my home this morning to brush my girls and cut their nails. I am impressed with the job and the way they handled my girls. Delightful and this will now be a monthly occurrence. He speaks perfect English having lived in the U.S. and arrives with all gear needed.Introducing "Dirty Paws" Mobille Home Grooming for Dogs 20230210
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Introducing "Dirty Paws" Mobille Home Grooming for Dogs Empty Re: Introducing "Dirty Paws" Mobille Home Grooming for Dogs

Post by Carry Bean Thu Feb 09, 2023 2:37 pm

How was the price? I realize that varies based on size, etc. but ballpark?

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Introducing "Dirty Paws" Mobille Home Grooming for Dogs Empty Re: Introducing "Dirty Paws" Mobille Home Grooming for Dogs

Post by ferret Thu Feb 09, 2023 6:40 pm

You'll have to get a quote from him because every case is different. Even a wash and style on a dog that hasn't been done in a long time is going to cost more the first time.
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