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Translating from Spanish to English

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Translating from Spanish to English Empty Translating from Spanish to English

Post by CheenaGringo Thu May 10, 2012 6:18 pm

It seems that many have not figured out how to have a web page in Spanish translated to English. Since we all have our preferred browsers and each may have different tools available, I thought it might be helpful to some to provide a fairly simple procedure that should work in most browsers.

1) Open up a Google Translate window using the following link:|en| You should then have a window open which looks like:
[img]Translating from Spanish to English Transl10[/img]
Make sure that to the right of the word "Translate" it indicates Spanish to English.
2) Go to your open page in Spanish and do a copy of the open URL ie:
Now paste that URL: [img]Translating from Spanish to English Url10[/img]
into the left side box in the translator. It should look like:
[img]Translating from Spanish to English Transl11[/img]
3) Note on the English side(right side), you will see exactly the same URL except that it has a line below it.
4) Now click on the underlined URL
5) A new window will open and you will see the web page in English
6) Now if you wish to provide a link to the translated web page, simply highlight the URL and copy and then paste. You will end up with a link:
7) That link will always have "translate" at the beginning as shown above.

There are numerous other optional tools but this route may be the most universally adaptable for any browser.

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Translating from Spanish to English Empty Re: Translating from Spanish to English

Post by merry Fri May 18, 2012 9:50 pm

Very nice instructions. Once the translated website comes up, like, it continues to display in English as you click around the site.


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Translating from Spanish to English Empty Re: Translating from Spanish to English

Post by Mad_Max Fri May 18, 2012 10:13 pm

The above - with the translate text box - is one option.

Another option is to use the google chrome browser - and turn on the translate feature. Then google automatically translates a webpage according to your settings. Easiest way is to first install google chrome -

Once that is installed, open a window in google chrome. On the top address bar - to the far right - you will see a wrench icon (customize google chrome). Click that, and the settings page opens.

On the Settings page, in the left column, you will see text box that may have search settings in text. Type in Translate

The translate options will appear. Be sure to click the options which is in blue. Choose English, and automatically, and prompt.

Hopefully that will work. I have used it for maybe a year - and think it is fantastic. Yes, it does mangle stuff - but you can usually make sense out of it.

Also - when you copy and paste and article from google translate - take a moment to edit. Google will make mistakes on sex (he/she) - and will translate cities and states into english and really confuse the reader - and sometimes mess up on the time morning versus afternoon . So it helps to read to spend a few minutes reading for clarity. The most recent funny google goof is handcuffs = esposas = wives.

I love Google translate - but sometimes it mangles.

If things are completely non comprehensible, I copy and paste whatever go to
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Translating from Spanish to English Empty Re: Translating from Spanish to English

Post by merry Fri May 18, 2012 10:21 pm

I use chrome for some things but it sure seems to chug so I lean towards FF.

Google translate is just a "gist" translation. I can read Spanish like the daily Informador but am just much slower at it.


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Translating from Spanish to English Empty Re: Translating from Spanish to English

Post by Mad_Max Fri May 18, 2012 10:27 pm

merry wrote:I use chrome for some things but it sure seems to chug so I lean towards FF.

Google translate is just a "gist" translation. I can read Spanish like the daily Informador but am just much slower at it.

I frequently may have up to 12 tabs open - and not too many performance problems. If I have too much open - and using too much memory I guess, translate won't work. So then I just open a new google chrome window - and it works fine.

And if i could read spanish that well, I wouldn't need it - but am now at the level so I can read about the level of a 1 year old child:)

Last edited by Mad_Max on Fri May 18, 2012 10:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Translating from Spanish to English Empty Re: Translating from Spanish to English

Post by merry Fri May 18, 2012 10:28 pm

Wow, you must be one smart one year old!


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Translating from Spanish to English Empty Re: Translating from Spanish to English

Post by CheenaGringo Sat May 19, 2012 9:14 am

I use Firefox and have an add-on which will automatically translate any Spanish web page to English when I open. Sounds like what Chrome offers?

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Translating from Spanish to English Empty Re: Translating from Spanish to English

Post by Mad_Max Sat May 19, 2012 2:33 pm

CheenaGringo wrote:I use Firefox and have an add-on which will automatically translate any Spanish web page to English when I open. Sounds like what Chrome offers?
Yes. I didn't know they had an add on - so will try it......... thanks
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