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Finally, a fence to keep the Americans out !

Bill Phillips
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Finally, a fence to keep the Americans out ! Empty Finally, a fence to keep the Americans out !

Post by Bill Phillips Sat Mar 09, 2024 5:03 pm

Looking into Canadian backyards from the US. The street I am driving on is in Pt Roberts, Washington USA. The fence on the right is the US Canada border. The homes are in Tsawwassen BC CAN. Jan 2024.

Finally, a fence to keep the Americans out ! Fence10
Bill Phillips
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Finally, a fence to keep the Americans out ! Empty that's a big change!!!

Post by Ukiyo Sun Mar 10, 2024 1:33 pm

I used to live near the golf course in Tsawwassen about 50 years ago for nearly 2 years. How much has changed is beyond my ability to describe.

The liquor store at Point Robert was closer to me than the one on the Canadian side, so I rode my motorcycle through the fence to buy liquor.

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Finally, a fence to keep the Americans out ! Empty Re: Finally, a fence to keep the Americans out !

Post by Bill Phillips Sun Mar 10, 2024 1:44 pm

Since I made the original post, I have found out that those Americans living on the US side of the fence (border) have to cross into Canada to drive anywhere such as returning to the rest of the US.  There is only one road in and out and it is through Canada.  See this Google Map:Pt. Roberts Washington, USA
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Finally, a fence to keep the Americans out ! Empty Re: Finally, a fence to keep the Americans out !

Post by mudgirl Sun Mar 10, 2024 2:03 pm

Yes, access to Pt. Roberts is either by boat, as it is on the southern end of the Tswassen peninsula, and surrounded by water on 3 sides, or through Canada.
Just like you can't drive to Alaska without going through Canada.

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Finally, a fence to keep the Americans out ! Empty Re: Finally, a fence to keep the Americans out !

Post by Ukiyo Sun Mar 10, 2024 4:11 pm

mudgirl wrote:Yes, access to Pt. Roberts is either by boat, as it is on the southern end of the Tswassen peninsula, and surrounded by water on 3 sides, or through Canada.
Just like you can't drive to Alaska without going through Canada.

Yes, by car, there was only one road to get to Point Roberts from the Canadian side and a checkpoint. I disliked being asked questions at the checkpoint. So I simply cross over between the fences (no barbed wires) at the end of the road on the ocean side on my motorcycle.

There was not a single house on the US side by the fence.
49°00'07.6"N 123°05'19.5"W

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Finally, a fence to keep the Americans out ! Empty Re: Finally, a fence to keep the Americans out !

Post by CanuckBob Mon Mar 11, 2024 7:24 am

I always wondered why BC didn't do a purchase or a land swap to obtain Point Roberts. It is a PITA for Americans to use it. The economy there really died after BC loosened their drinking laws in the late 80's.

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Finally, a fence to keep the Americans out ! Empty Fence

Post by JEJACK Mon Mar 11, 2024 9:17 am

It doesn't look like Canada needs a fence as the U.S.A. border is the one being over run by all the people from foreign countries trying to get in here for a better place to live/ free handouts than their home countries.


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Finally, a fence to keep the Americans out ! Empty Re: Finally, a fence to keep the Americans out !

Post by ferret Mon Mar 11, 2024 9:38 am

Canadians know better.
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Finally, a fence to keep the Americans out ! Empty Re: Finally, a fence to keep the Americans out !

Post by mudgirl Mon Mar 11, 2024 11:07 am

JEJACK wrote:It doesn't look like Canada needs a fence as the U.S.A. border is the one being over run by all the people from foreign countries trying to get in here for a better place to live/ free handouts than their home countries.

Canada welcomed 471,550 new permanent residents in 2023.

Canadians aren't terrified of immigrants nor make them out to be criminals. Canada embraces multiculturalism and while there are some individuals wiith prejudiced attitudes, white supremacy isn't prevalent.

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Finally, a fence to keep the Americans out ! Empty Re: Finally, a fence to keep the Americans out !

Post by CanuckBob Mon Mar 11, 2024 12:42 pm

JEJACK wrote:It doesn't look like Canada needs a fence as the U.S.A. border is the one being over run by all the people from foreign countries trying to get in here for a better place to live/ free handouts than their home countries.

After your next election, 50% of Americans will be heading either north or south........ Beer

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Finally, a fence to keep the Americans out ! Empty Re: Finally, a fence to keep the Americans out !

Post by OldWEB Mon Mar 11, 2024 3:12 pm

mudgirl wrote:Yes, access to Pt. Roberts is either by boat, as it is on the southern end of the Tswassen peninsula, and surrounded by water on 3 sides, or through Canada.
Just like you can't drive to Alaska without going through Canada.
FYI - Another oddity  Northwest Angle and Elm Point
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