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Word of the Day

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Word of the Day - Page 6 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:54 am

castigar kah-stee-gar' (verb)
to punish, to penalize (sport); to damage, to devastate

1. Lo siento, pero tengo que castigarte por decir una mentira así.
I am sorry, but I have to punish you for telling such a lie like that.

2. Educad a los niños y no tendréis que castigar a los hombres.
Educate children and you'll not have to punish men.

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Word of the Day - Page 6 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Sat Dec 31, 2011 7:51 pm

el reloj rreh-loh' (noun)
clock, watch

1. En España es costumbre comer doce uvas al dar las 12 en Noche Vieja.
In Spain it is customary to eat 12 grapes when the clock strikes 12 on New Year's Eve.

2. Cada año cuando llega Año Nuevo, el reloj se convierte en el centro de todas las miradas.
Every year when midnight approaches on New Year's Eve, the clock becomes the focus of all eyes.
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Word of the Day - Page 6 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Sun Jan 01, 2012 9:00 am

el propósito pro-poh'-see-toh (noun)
resolution, intention, purpose

1. ¡He venido con el solo propósito de participar en este gran foro!
I've come with the sole purpose of participating on this great forum!

2. ¡Ojalá todos tus problemas duren tanto como tus propósitos para el Año Nuevo!
I hope that all of your problems last as long as your New Years Resolutions!
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Word of the Day - Page 6 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:01 pm

aprobar ah-proh-bar' (verb)
to approve, to pass

1. Hay que aprobar los exámenes si se quiere pasar al próximo año escolar.
Exams must be passed if you are to pass to the next school year.

2. El estudio de física es un misterio para mí y los exámenes son muy difíciles de aprobar.
The study of physics is a mystery to me and the tests are very hard to pass.
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Word of the Day - Page 6 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:25 am

disponible dee-spo-nee'-bleh (adjective)

1. Los payasos dicen que están siempre disponibles para las fiestas de niños, ¡pero nadie quiere invitarlos!
Clowns say they are always available for children's parties, but no one wants to invite them!

2. No estoy disponible, tienes que dejar un mensaje después del tono, por favor.
I'm not available, please leave a message after the beep.
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Word of the Day - Page 6 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Wed Jan 04, 2012 7:22 am

obstante ohb-stan'-teh (adverb)
however, nevertheless, still (no obstante)

1. Cometo muchos errores con mis frases, no obstante, lo intento otra vez.
I make many errors with my sentences, nevertheless, I try again.

2. Una clavija cuadrada nunca cabrá en un agujero redondo.No obstante, hay gente que siempre lo intentará.
A square peg will never fit into a round hole, nevertheless, someone will always try.
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Word of the Day - Page 6 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Thu Jan 05, 2012 7:25 am

el rey rrei' (noun)

1. Soy el rey de mi casa porque mi esposa me dio permiso.
I am the king of my house because my wife gave me permission.

2. Si fuera el rey del mundo, mandaría que todo el mundo aprendiera español en la escuela.
If I were king of the world, I would command everybody to learn Spanish in school.
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Word of the Day - Page 6 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Fri Jan 06, 2012 5:29 pm

escapar eh-skah-par' (verb)
to get away, to escape; to leak (gas, water)

1. Las matemáticas era la asignatura en la escuela de la cual queríamos escapar muy a menudo.
Mathematics was the school subject from which we wanted to escape very often.

2. Me han capturado muchas veces tratando de escapar por la puerta trasera para estar con mis amigos de viernes.
I've been caught many times trying to escape through the back door to be with my friends on Fridays.
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Word of the Day - Page 6 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Sat Jan 07, 2012 8:32 am

educado eh-doo-kah'-doh (adjective)
polite, well-mannered, nicely behaved

1. Un bostezo puede no ser educado, pero al menos es una opinión honesta.
A yawn may not be polite, but at least it is an honest opinion.

2. Ser educado no cuesta nada y causa buena impresión en las personas que te rodean.
To be polite doesn't take any effort and you make a good impression on people around you.
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Word of the Day - Page 6 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:24 pm

ahora ah-oh'-rah (adverb)
now, soon

1. Ahora mismo no se me ocurre nada para escribir.
Right now I can't think of anything to write.

2. Mi perro era muy activo, pero ahora duerme todo el tiempo.Pienso que imita a su dueño.
My dog used to be very active, but now he sleeps all the time.I think he's copying his owner.
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Word of the Day - Page 6 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:24 am

el desafío deh-sah-fee'-oh (noun)
challenge, duel, struggle

1. Es un desafío para mí aprender la lengua española.
It is a challenge for me to learn the Spanish language.

2. Para enfrentarse al desafío de cruzar las Montañas Azules los primeros exploradores europeos necesitaron la ayuda de los indígenas.
To face the challenge of crossing the Blue Mountains, the first European explorers needed the help of the indigenous people.
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Word of the Day - Page 6 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:23 am

ahorrar ah-oh-rrar' (verb)
to save

1. Es fácil para mí ahorrar dinero – odio ir de compras.
It is easy for me to save money – I hate to go shopping.

2. Todo el mundo necesita ahorrar agua y por eso debemos arreglar los grifos que están goteando siempre.
Everyone needs to save water and that's why we must fix the faucets that are always leaking.
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Word of the Day - Page 6 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:29 pm

triste tree'-steh (adjective)
sad, gloomy, dreary, dull

1. No estés triste.¡Estoy aquí contigo, amigo mío!
Dont' be sad! I am here with you, my friend.

2. Siempre me ponen triste los días cortos y oscuros de invierno, pero sé que es solamente temporal.
The short, dark days of winter always make me sad, but I know it is only temporary.
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Word of the Day - Page 6 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:19 am

la vez ves'

1. Cada vez que voy a la playa, me quemo.
Every time I go to the beach, I get burned.

2. En agosto del año pasado fue la primera vez que vi el Machu Picchu.
Last August was the first time that I saw the Machu Picchu.
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Word of the Day - Page 6 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by bobnliz Sat Jan 14, 2012 8:42 am

Disponible - disposable

Me voy a la tienda pa' comprar encendedoras disponibles.
I am going to the store to buy disposable lighters.

Word of the Day - Page 6 169387 Lizzy
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Word of the Day - Page 6 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by viajero Sat Jan 14, 2012 10:23 am

bobnliz wrote:Disponible - disposable

Me voy a la tienda pa' comprar encendedoras disponibles.
I am going to the store to buy disposable lighters.

Word of the Day - Page 6 169387 Lizzy
I think desechable would be a better translation of disposable in this case.

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Word of the Day - Page 6 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by ferret Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:21 am

I thought "disponible" meant "available"...
I see it plastered on billboard signs when they are available for rent.
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Word of the Day - Page 6 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by viajero Sat Jan 14, 2012 12:28 pm

ferret wrote:I thought "disponible" meant "available"...
I see it plastered on billboard signs when they are available for rent.

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Word of the Day - Page 6 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Sat Jan 14, 2012 1:05 pm

soportar soh-por-tar' (verb)
to stand, to endure, to bear

1. ¡No nos soportamos!
We can't stand each other!

2. No puedo soportar a ver llorar a un bebé.
I can't bear to hear a baby cry.
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Word of the Day - Page 6 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by bobnliz Sat Jan 14, 2012 7:57 pm

viajero wrote:
bobnliz wrote:Disponible - disposable

Me voy a la tienda pa' comprar encendedoras disponibles.
I am going to the store to buy disposable lighters.

Word of the Day - Page 6 169387 Lizzy
I think desechable would be a better translation of disposable in this case.

Ooops... you are absolutely right. Got the antonyms mixed up.... ain't old age a bitch? Rolling Eyes Lizzy
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Word of the Day - Page 6 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Mon Jan 23, 2012 5:45 pm

fuerte fwer'-teh (adjective)
strong, intense, heavy, loud

1. Somos fuertes juntos.
Together we are strong.

2. Las olas están muy fuerte hoy porque el huracán.
The waves are very strong because of the hurricane.
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Word of the Day - Page 6 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by Mainecoons Tue Jan 24, 2012 6:09 am

CanuckBob wrote:soportar soh-por-tar' (verb)
to stand, to endure, to bear

1. ¡No nos soportamos!
We can't stand each other!

2. No puedo soportar a ver llorar a un bebé.
I can't bear to hear a baby cry.

"ver" is to see, not to hear.

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Word of the Day - Page 6 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:30 am

What would the correct word be?
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Word of the Day - Page 6 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:48 am

encima en-see'-mah (adverb)
on top, above, on top of that

1. Tengo que mantener mi teléfono, mis llaves, y mi cartera en el mismo lugar encima de la mesa o los perderé.
I have to keep my phone, keys, and wallet in the same place on the table or I will lose them.

2. Aunque está lloviendo, sé que el sol aún brilla por encima de las nubes.
Although it is raining, I know that the sun still shines above the clouds.
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Word of the Day - Page 6 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by Solovino Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:17 am

CanuckBob wrote:What would the correct word be?


And it would be better said: no soporto oir llorar a un bebé.. Using the verb poder just adds redundancy.

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Word of the Day - Page 6 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by ferret Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:57 am

CanuckBob wrote:encima en-see'-mah (adverb)
on top, above, on top of that

1. Tengo que mantener mi teléfono, mis llaves, y mi cartera en el mismo lugar encima de la mesa o los perderé.
I have to keep my phone, keys, and wallet in the same place on the table or I will lose them.

2. Aunque está lloviendo, sé que el sol aún brilla por encima de las nubes.
Although it is raining, I know that the sun still shines above the clouds.

These may very well be correct uses of "encima" but I'm not familiar with them...I would have used "sobre la mesa" (upon the table) and "arriba de las nubes" (above the clouds). Am I wrong? (wouldn't be the first time).
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Word of the Day - Page 6 Empty Re: Word of the Day

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