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Should we build or buy our home

Jim W
Ken Zakreski
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Should we build or buy our home - Page 2 Empty Re: Should we build or buy our home

Post by ComputerGuy Thu May 23, 2013 4:09 pm

I agree with Ferret and some of Talosians. You really need to have balls of steel to build here. Better yet, a really good knowledge of the area and how it works, which means living here for at least a few years before trying it. And you need to get to know the people who do this kind of work; you can't just get someone else's say-so. You need to have the experience of having done a few projects and understanding, again, how things work here.

And in particular, one thing Ferret and Talosian both pointed out: be ONSITE every darn day.

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Should we build or buy our home - Page 2 Empty Re: Should we build or buy our home

Post by borderreiver Fri May 24, 2013 12:19 am

Re the "ONSITE" everyday: a friend, and higher end spec homebuilder here on Vancouver's west side is onsite every day, riding herd on the subs. He employs and mentors a young relative to assist the trades, clean up, and, most importantly "gofer". Jackass sub trades just burn through $ with their "I need this", "I forgot this", "where's my brain", " where's my cellphone", " gee, seem to have run out of ammo for the nail gun", "I thought you were scheduling that" Etc. Etc. There's a lot to be said for a stipulated contracted price, then be ONSITE. REMEMBER your contractor is not your friend, he may appear to be, try to be, but that is just "smoke and mirrors".
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Should we build or buy our home - Page 2 Empty Re: Should we build or buy our home

Post by CanuckBob Fri May 24, 2013 8:20 am

We are currently renovating our place and I have now had a few experiences with several different Maestros.
By a very long shot, the best one is Alejandro (Alex) Salazar Gutierrez. He speaks very good english and does high quality work. His crew is always professional and they totally clean up the work site at the end of every day. He also comes by the site at least once per day and sometimes several times per day to discuss the work and check on his crew. If you are unhappy with something he will change it or fix it. Now he isn't the cheapest but he is the best.
Alejandro (Alex) Salazar Gutierrez - 333 559 8078
If anyone ever wants to see his work give me a call and you can come over and take a look.
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Should we build or buy our home - Page 2 Empty Re: Should we build or buy our home

Post by angela04101 Fri May 24, 2013 12:00 pm

I won't exactly claim to have "balls of steel", but i am in the process of building a house in Riberas and it's been an absolutely delightful experience! I am a single retired woman who had built a passive solar house in the states in the 70's (with my own hands, that is), and had other construction experience designing and remodeling other houses over the years. Never dreamed I would take on building a house in Mexico, but I can't afford or like most of what I see for sale, and I really didn't want to pay rent all my life.

I designed the house I'm building now, working with a wonderful architect who has been able to price it to my needs. She provides extensive specs of exactly what will happen when and what it will cost, and a full set of plans. She is amenable to changes as we go along and doesn't always charge for stuff I request that's out of contract. She and the building crew are from Guadalajara, and have tons of experience. They've built it fast - and good. It's proceeding within budget and on time. Granted, it's a very small house which is what I want, but it has been built in 3 months. I am very interested in the small house movement and this house is around 650 s.f. on a 300 m2 lot - there's more garden than house, which is by design. Lot + construction will be around $95K usd, with plenty of room to add on should I some day choose to.

I'm offering this in the spirit of "can-do" even for those of us with more limited financial means, and to say it can be a very positive experience - if done right. I wouldn't advise taking it on alone, but with the right architect and terms, and knowing something about construction, it works beautifully - even in Mexico!

And I agree, go to the site every day - I have over 350 construction photos to document what's what in the walls, under the house, the systems, etc. just so I'll know. I've enjoyed learning about Mexican construction techniques and the Spanish names for equipment and processes, and have studied written resources about how and why it's done in Mexico. Believe it or not, this can be fun!

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Should we build or buy our home - Page 2 Empty Re: Should we build or buy our home

Post by ComputerGuy Fri May 24, 2013 12:03 pm

Congrats, and you have reiterated the important part: "if done right. I wouldn't advise taking it on alone, but with the right architect and terms, and knowing something about construction, it works beautifully - even in Mexico!"
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