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Ashamed to be an American

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Ashamed to be an American Empty Ashamed to be an American

Post by karjoeaz Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:05 am

For the past four years i was hesitant to admit to be from the USA. But after yesterday I am truly ashamed. Can't imagine over 74,000,000 people voted for such an egotistical person for president. But at least people in Georgia got rid of two despicable people from the US senate. HOPING FOR A CHANGE.

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Ashamed to be an American Empty Re: Ashamed to be an American

Post by ferret Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:18 am

Don't be ashamed. Most people know that the majority of those in the U.S. are good law abiding citizens. You are not tarred by Trump's brush if you 1) either didn't support his bullshit and/or 2) came to realize that you'd been had by a con man.
To all Americans: Please be more selective about the kind of person you put in charge of the nuclear button. The whole world depends on it.
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Ashamed to be an American Empty Re: Ashamed to be an American

Post by Bearded Beemer Thu Jan 07, 2021 12:42 pm

I can totally sympathize with you. I have felt embarrassed to admit I'm American for the last 4 years. I still cant believe he won the election. He opened to door to hate and racism like never before. Watching the scenes from yesterday actually made me furious and disgusted. This was 100% his doing. Partisan politics in American have taken a brutal turn for the worse that I dont think we will recover from. I am neither Democrat or Republican, I vote for whomever I think will do the best job for my family, me, my state, and my country. His victory in 2016 was the first time in my life that the person I voted for didn't win the Presidential election. 2020 has been an all around bust, and I sincerely hope that the Biden Presidency and 2021 will turn things around for our country and the rest of the world.
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Ashamed to be an American Empty Re: Ashamed to be an American

Post by ComputerGuy Thu Jan 07, 2021 12:50 pm

ferret wrote:Don't be ashamed. Most people know that the majority of those in the U.S. are good law abiding citizens. You are not tarred by Trump's brush if you 1) either didn't support his bullshit and/or 2) came to realize that you'd been had by a con man.
To all Americans: Please be more selective about the kind of person you put in charge of the nuclear button. The whole world depends on it.

And that button is about the only thing left he hasn't pushed. Let's hope it doesn't occur to him.
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Ashamed to be an American Empty Re: Ashamed to be an American

Post by ComputerGuy Thu Jan 07, 2021 12:50 pm

Bearded Beemer wrote:I can totally sympathize with you. I have felt embarrassed to admit I'm American for the last 4 years. I still cant believe he won the election. He opened to door to hate and racism like never before. Watching the scenes from yesterday actually made me furious and disgusted. This was 100% his doing. Partisan politics in American have taken a brutal turn for the worse that I dont think we will recover from. I am neither Democrat or Republican, I vote for whomever I think will do the best job for my family, me, my state, and my country. His victory in 2016 was the first time in my life that the person I voted for didn't win the Presidential election. 2020 has been an all around bust, and I sincerely hope that the Biden Presidency and 2021 will turn things around for our country and the rest of the world.

If only the actual votes meant more than the Electoral College.
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Ashamed to be an American Empty Re: Ashamed to be an American

Post by CHILLIN Thu Jan 07, 2021 2:40 pm

The only effect on me is that noticed nearly all the trump supporter were white males, with beards, and baseball caps. So I will keep the whiskers shaved and retire my baseball cap. This doesn't apply to you oh bearded one. That must be a great sensation your beard flying in the wind on a motorcycle. Shakes all the breadcrumbs out too haha.
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Ashamed to be an American Empty Re: Ashamed to be an American

Post by Bearded Beemer Thu Jan 07, 2021 2:53 pm

CHILLIN wrote:The only effect on me is that noticed nearly all the trump supporter were white males, with beards, and baseball caps. So I will keep the whiskers shaved and retire my baseball cap. This doesn't apply to you oh bearded one. That must be a great sensation your beard flying in the wind on a motorcycle. Shakes all the breadcrumbs out too haha.
I must admit that the beard becomes a goatee during motorcycle season, but is unleashed again in the winter, much to my wife's objection!!!
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Ashamed to be an American Empty Re: Ashamed to be an American

Post by Alfredo G Thu Jan 07, 2021 6:55 pm

To give this creature (NOT animal) 14 days access to nuclear arsenal is MADNESS.

I am a Naturalized US citizen, and NOT a Democrat or Republican.

Hitler by himself was a NOBODY. However with Aholes surrounding him and glorifying him, he WAS A CREATURE.

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Ashamed to be an American Empty Re: Ashamed to be an American

Post by rafterbr Thu Jan 07, 2021 10:09 pm

Actually I had mixed feelings yesterday. I thought the rioters breaking into the White House should have been shot but were instead handled with kid gloves with one exception. I was proud of pictures of lone policemen trying to control the rioters inside the building. The Congresses action of returning to session and confirming Biden was commendable. Senator's Cruz and Hawley should always be remembered in infamy as enablers of Trump and the riot. I hope when they come up for reelection people remember this. Both were going to run for President and wanted Trump's support. I think these plans will now be for nought, I was proud of Mitt Romney telling his fellow Republicans how they have enabled Trump with their support and silence when they know he is telling falsehoods.

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Ashamed to be an American Empty Re: Ashamed to be an American

Post by slainte39 Thu Jan 07, 2021 10:21 pm

Not White House.....Capitol Building
Wish it had been the WH.

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Ashamed to be an American Empty Re: Ashamed to be an American

Post by RoyD Fri Jan 08, 2021 9:50 am

I will never be ashamed to be an American.

What happened at the Capitol this week was horrific and Trump was to blame for stoking the flames of some, low life, morons, who thought it would be great fun to storm the Capitol building. I am not talking about all Trump supporters here, just the ones who violated the law. I would say the same about those that are rioting in Portland too. This stuff needs to stop and spineless politicians need to grow a backbone and do what needs to be done to put an end to it.

Trump did accomplish a lot of good things during his presidency, but he will never be remembered for it, but only what happened this week. He made a huge error in judgement and it will tarnish his legacy forever. I am pretty disgusted with him right now.


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Ashamed to be an American Empty Re: Ashamed to be an American

Post by gobluejohn Fri Jan 08, 2021 10:06 am

since I grew up across Lake Sinclair about 30 miles from Canada, I will now say I am from Canada. I was floored seeing the footage. and almost all were white thank god I am never going back. Mexico is now my country as I am a permanent resident
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Ashamed to be an American Empty Re: Ashamed to be an American

Post by gringal Fri Jan 08, 2021 10:23 am

Roy D:"Trump did accomplish a lot of good things during his presidency, but he will never be remembered for it"

Please show what "good things" Trump accomlished. My memory may be faulty, but I can't think of what these were. I do remember some of the damage done re environmental matters and his attempt to take away Affordable Health Care.

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Ashamed to be an American Empty Re: Ashamed to be an American

Post by gringal Fri Jan 08, 2021 10:24 am

Roy D:"Trump did accomplish a lot of good things during his presidency, but he will never be remembered for it"

Please show what "good things" Trump accomlished. My memory may be faulty, but I can't think of what these were. I do remember some of the damage done re environmental matters and his attempt to take away Affordable Health Care.

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Ashamed to be an American Empty Re: Ashamed to be an American

Post by mudgirl Fri Jan 08, 2021 11:02 am

RoyD wrote:I will never be ashamed to be an American.

What happened at the Capitol this week was horrific and Trump was to blame for stoking the flames of some, low life, morons, who thought it would be great fun to storm the Capitol building. I am not talking about all Trump supporters here, just the ones who violated the law.


Excuse me? You say that Trump was to blame for stoking the flames, then say that all Trump supporters aren't responsible? Of course they are. Just because they weren't among those who stormed the Capitol, and other capitols across the country, doesn't mean they aren't culpable for supporting an insane man who wanted and encouraged this to happen.

That's like saying that the Germans who supported Hitler had no culpability for the horrors perpetrated by the Nazis just because they didn't personally work in the death camps or load Jews and Gypsies onto cattle cars bound for the gas chambers.

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Ashamed to be an American Empty Re: Ashamed to be an American

Post by ComputerGuy Fri Jan 08, 2021 11:23 am

As I browse Google looking for Trump's "accomplishments", I can find not a single unbiased Website or report. All of them are right-wing, Conservative sites. And they promote "accomplishments" like this:
2017 - signed an executive order to promote apprenticeships
2017 - Pledges to minimize the economic impact of the Affordable Care Act.
2017 - Withdraws from the job-killing Trans Pactific Pact
2017 - rescinds DACA

It goes on an on through the years. Most of them are so petty as to be meaningless. Some are most definitely promises kept, but nothing that rational people ever asked for. And making pledges? Well, that's about worth the paper it's written on.

In Canada when arguing with friends about politics, I can easily find actual, factual accomplishments from politicians on both sides of the aisle in our governments, listed on the Web without prejudice... because both sides are usually actually trying to make things better.
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Ashamed to be an American Empty Re: Ashamed to be an American

Post by ComputerGuy Fri Jan 08, 2021 11:24 am

mudgirl wrote:
RoyD wrote:I will never be ashamed to be an American.

What happened at the Capitol this week was horrific and Trump was to blame for stoking the flames of some, low life, morons, who thought it would be great fun to storm the Capitol building. I am not talking about all Trump supporters here, just the ones who violated the law.


Excuse me? You say that Trump was to blame for stoking the flames, then say that all Trump supporters aren't responsible? Of course they are. Just because they weren't among those who stormed the Capitol, and other capitols across the country, doesn't mean they aren't culpable for supporting an insane man who wanted and encouraged this to happen.

That's like saying that the Germans who supported Hitler had no culpability for the horrors perpetrated by the Nazis just because they didn't personally work in the death camps or load Jews and Gypsies onto cattle cars bound for the gas chambers.

Correct. There are 70 million or so who watched the court jester for the last four years and voted for him anyway. They are the base that made this insurrection viable.
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Ashamed to be an American Empty Re: Ashamed to be an American

Post by kiko Fri Jan 08, 2021 11:25 am

RoyD wrote:I will never be ashamed to be an American.

What happened at the Capitol this week was horrific and Trump was to blame for stoking the flames of some, low life, morons, who thought it would be great fun to storm the Capitol building. I am not talking about all Trump supporters here, just the ones who violated the law. I would say the same about those that are rioting in Portland too. This stuff needs to stop and spineless politicians need to grow a backbone and do what needs to be done to put an end to it.

Trump did accomplish a lot of good things during his presidency, but he will never be remembered for it, but only what happened this week. He made a huge error in judgement and it will tarnish his legacy forever. I am pretty disgusted with him right now.


I am not ashamed to be an American but I am ashamed of the Ugly Americans who were given a platform the last four years to burn down our country. And I am more ashamed of other Americans who were afraid to speak out in public about the attempted destruction of democracy.

That being said, I am in agreement that Donald Trump did do one good thing. When he divided the country with his rhetoric the result was that many Americans saw that they had to participate in the democratic process or the democracy would become a banana republic on January 20. The electorate became involved.

As far as the "good" things he has done, I would say that there is not much there because most of what he did is not good for the country long term. Most Americans live bumper sticker politics. That is dangerous when you are crossing the tracks and you never saw a train is coming your way.
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Ashamed to be an American Empty Re: Ashamed to be an American

Post by BisbeeGal Fri Jan 08, 2021 12:01 pm

I'm not ashamed, I'm angry at the trump voters. And I hope and think many other Americans were angry and that was why turnout was so high in the elections held in Nov. and Jan.
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Ashamed to be an American Empty Re: Ashamed to be an American

Post by brigitte Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:22 pm

Trump has been spewing out lies every since he has been President and brainwashing his lame brain supporters.. This event is the result of 4 years of  stoking the fire. He is not a balanced human being and has continued to divide the people of the country, he is a real sad excuse of a leader.  Yes he will be remembered for what he did and that is the way history goes.
Hitler did some good things for the German economy and moral and he will never be remembered for that either..
Preaching hate like Trump did for over 4 years is counterproductive and never ends well.

For the people who are ashamed of being Americans , do not imagine that many other countries do not have the same problems.. the fight between the left and right, between city folks and country folks is alive and well all over Europe and other countries, they just do not have an inane nasty leader to pour oil over the fire...but they are not any different. We live in a dangerous and nasty  time.

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Ashamed to be an American Empty Re: Ashamed to be an American

Post by CHILLIN Fri Jan 08, 2021 2:43 pm

Poor ole Adolph is taking a hammering in this thread. He was a vegetarian, a dog lover, a not to bad artist, and loved being around children. Oh yeah, he was a monster too!
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Ashamed to be an American Empty Re: Ashamed to be an American

Post by ComputerGuy Fri Jan 08, 2021 3:58 pm

Shows you just how careful you have to be with your diet...
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Ashamed to be an American Empty Re: Ashamed to be an American

Post by ComputerGuy Fri Jan 08, 2021 4:00 pm

brigitte wrote:ROY D
Trump has been spewing out lies every since he has been President and brainwashing his lame brain supporters.. This event is the result of 4 years of  stoking the fire. He is not a balanced human being and has continued to divide the people of the country, he is a real sad excuse of a leader.  Yes he will be remembered for what he did and that is the way history goes.
Hitler did some good things for the German economy and moral and he will never be remembered for that either...

Yep, and for that reason we should be thanking the cartels that donate to the local hospitals after destroying their community and killing off a buncha other bad guys. Just in case the history books get it wrong.
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Ashamed to be an American Empty Re: Ashamed to be an American

Post by Jreboll Fri Jan 08, 2021 8:12 pm

Ashamed to be an American 22b65310

Last edited by Jreboll on Fri Jan 08, 2021 8:14 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Sizing)

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Ashamed to be an American Empty Re: Ashamed to be an American

Post by slainte39 Fri Jan 08, 2021 10:11 pm

RoyD wrote:ar I would say the same about those that are rioting in Portland too. This stuff needs to stop and spineless politicians need to grow a backbone and do what needs to be done to put an end to it.


The moment you brought this "equivalency"/"what about" argument into the discussion tells me all I need to know about your real feelings.

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